Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC)

Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC), is based on Single window concept and provides farm information and advisory services on animal nutrition and physiology, sale of institute publications to different stakeholders and a location contact point for guidance of farmers and other visitors visiting the institute for various purposes. ATIC’s advisory services facilitates information-based decision making among the farmers by providing technology information in customized knowledge. ATIC provides real time information and advices on livestock farming, appropriate species, breeds and management practices etc., which are critical for the farmers.

Objectives of ATIC:

To provide a single window delivery system of information and technology on animal nutrition and physiology to end users.

To facilitate direct access of farmers to institutional resources available in terms of technology advice, technology products etc.


Dr. N. K. S. Gowda

Principal Scientist & In-charge
Agricultural Technology Information Centre
Phone: 080-25711304 Ext.317
Mobile: 9980827868