March, 2025

ICAR-NIANP organizes Animal Fertility Camp at remote corner village of Andhra Pradesh

Animal Fertility camp was organized by ICAR-NIANP at Gestampalli Village, Chittoor dt, Andhra Pradesh on 21st March 2025 under the DAPSC Scheme. Twenty five dairy farmers presented their animals (45 Adult animals and 4 Calf) for various reproductive health checkups. The reproductive issues such as stunted growth and delayed puberty repeat breeding, anoestrus and pregnancy diagnosis were addressed and farmers took the benefit of the fertility camp.

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March, 2025

Dairy Farmers Field day at Interior corner of Andhra Pradesh

The ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru organized one day Farmers-Scientist Interaction meet cum Input Distribution on (21.03.2025) scientific feeding for dairy farmers, We reached to remote villages(Gestampalli, Yalakallu, Vogu, Y.C Bandapalli, Chintamakulapalle etc) of V Kota, Chittoor, Dt Andra Pradesh and distributed Inputs (Rubber mat, Milk can, Fertimin plus powder, Ladies & school bags, Stationary kit, Veterinary medicinal kit, First aid kit) to selected SC Dairy farmers under Development Action Plan for Scheduled Caste (DAPSC). A total of 100 dairy farmers belonging to Scheduled caste benefitted in this program. This program is intended for educating farmers about scientific feeding of dairy animals.

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March, 2025

International Women’s Day

The ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru organized International Women’s day and Farmers-Scientist Interaction meet cum Input Distribution on (07.03.2025) scientific feeding and accelerate action for women equality at ICAR NIANP, Adugodi Bengaluru. A total of 73 women dairy farmers belonging to Scheduled caste benefitted in this program. This program is intended for educating women farmers to enhance hygienic and increased milk production and methods to prevent reproduction problems of dairy cows. During this program materials distributed to women farmers. Stainless steel milk buckets, First aid kits, Fertimin plus powder, Deworming tablet, Customized Ladies bags, Informative leaflet and School bags to SC Dairy farmers of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu under Development Action Plan for Scheduled Caste (DAPSC).

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February, 2025

Dairy Farmers Field day at Interior corner of Karnataka

The ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru organized one day Farmers-Scientist Interaction meet cum Input Distribution on (19.02.2025) scientific feeding for dairy farmers, We reached to remote villages(Vengasandra, N.G Hulkur, Mustoor, Lakshmisagara, Kadiriganakoppa, Pooganahalli, Gennerahalli, Gandodihalli, etc) of K.G.F(Kolar Gold Fields) Taluk, Kolar Dt Karnataka and distributed Cattle feed to selected SC Dairy farmers under Development Action Plan for Scheduled Caste (DAPSC). A total of 150 dairy farmers belonging to Scheduled caste benefitted in this program. This program is intended for educating farmers about scientific feeding of dairy animals.

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February, 2025

Farmers-Scientist Interaction Meet cum Input Distribution under DAPSC Scheme

The ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru organized one day Farmers-Scientist Interaction meet cum Input Distribution on (06.02.2025) scientific feeding for dairy farmers and distributed Cattle feed to selected SC Dairy farmers of Thally Block Krishnagiri Dt, Tamil Nadu under Development Action Plan for Scheduled Caste (DAPSC). A total of 75 dairy farmers belonging to Scheduled caste benefitted in this program. This program is intended for educating farmers about scientific feeding of dairy animals.

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February, 2025

Training and In-put Distribution Programme for ST Farmers held at ICAR-NIANP Bengaluru

A one-day training and input distribution programme was conducted on 4th February 2025 for Scheduled Tribe (ST) farmers from Bramanardinni, Chintamani Taluk, at ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru. A total of 51 participants, including 16 women farmers, attended the session. The training focused on scientific feeding practices and reproductive management for dairy farming.

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January, 2025

Input Distribution at Farmers Door step under DAPSC Scheme

The ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru organized one day Input Distribution on (30.01.2025) for dairy farmers, distributed Cattle feed to selected SC Dairy farmers of villages nearby Ramohalli (Karekalthandya, Chikkaluru, Ramanayakanathandya) Bengaluru South Karnataka under Development Action Plan for Scheduled Caste (DAPSC). A total of 75 dairy farmers belonging to Scheduled caste benefitted in this program. This program is intended for educating farmers about scientific feeding of dairy animals.

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January, 2025

Input Distribution at Farmers Door step and Animal Fertility camp under DAPSC Scheme

The ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru organized one day Farmers-Scientist Interaction meet cum Input Distribution on (08.01.2025) scientific feeding for dairy farmers and distributed rubber mats to selected SC Dairy farmers of Kariyapanapalya, and villages nearby Ramohalli Benagluru South Karnataka under Development Action Plan for Scheduled Caste (DAPSC). Dr. Artabandhu Sahoo Director ICAR-NIANP, nominated PSP Gupta, Head of Division, APD to coordinate the program. He has explained about importance of scientific feeding for dairy cattle and interacted with dairy farmers.

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December, 2024

Animal Health Camp under DAPST Scheme

Animal Health camp was conducted at Malkanahalli village of Malur takuq of kolar District on 24.12.24 a sneak peak of it. To know more download the attachment below.

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December, 2024

ICAR NIANP celebrated National Farmers' Day 2024 at farmer’s door step

In a significant event, ICAR-NIANP organized National Farmers' Day 2024 at Segenahalli MPCS, Mulbagal Tq, Kolar district of Karnataka. The event observed a notable participation of 144 farmers, including 34 SC dairy beneficiaries. The function was chaired by the Dr. Artabandhu Sahoo Director of ICAR-NIANP, who distributed 30 tons of cattle feed (DAPSC) and 97 rubber mats (NICRA) to SC dairy farmers under DAPSC scheme.

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December, 2024

Farmers-Scientist Interaction Meet cum Input Distribution under DAPSC Scheme

The ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru organized one day Farmers-Scientist Interaction meet cum Input Distribution on (11.12.2024) scientific feeding for dairy farmers and distributed rubber mats to selected SC Dairy farmers of Thally Block Krishnagiri Dt, Tamil Nadu under Development Action Plan for Scheduled Caste (DAPSC). A total of 88 dairy farmers belonging to Scheduled caste benefitted in this program. For more info download the attachment below.

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November, 2024

ICAR-NIANP Scientist and Ph.D. scholar Received Award at ISSAR 2024

Dr. Binsila B Krishnan, Senior Scientist at ICAR-NIANP and Ms. Tomcy A T, DBT Category I Fellow (Ph.D. scholar) under the guidance of Dr. Binsila B Krishnan has been awarded the Best Oral Presentation Award and the prestigious Best Young Scientist Award respectively. The recognition was conferred during the 39th Annual Convention of ‘The Indian Society for Study of Animal Reproduction (ISSAR)’ and the National Symposium on 'Challenges in Enhancing Reproductive Efficiency of Livestock: An Indian Perspective,' organized by GADVASU, Ludhiana, from 29th November to 1st December 2024.

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November, 2024

ICAR-NIANP Scientist Received Award at ISSAR 2024

Dr. Krishnappa Balaganur, Senior Scientist at ICAR-NIANP, was awarded the First Prize for Oral Presentation at the 39th Annual Convention of the Indian Society for the Study of Animal Reproduction (ISSAR). This recognition was presented during the National Symposium on 'Challenges in Enhancing Reproductive Efficiency of Livestock: An Indian Perspective,' held at GADVASU, Ludhiana, from November 29 to December 1, 2024.

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November, 2024

ICAR-NIANP Scientist Received TEMA 2024 Young Investigator Award

The 18 th International Conference on Trace Elements in Man and Animals (TEMA) is being held from 08-12 th November, 2024 at M.S. Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Bengaluru in collaboration with Penn State University, USA. During this conference, Dr Gopi, M., Scientist, ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru has received the Prestigious Young Investigator Award for paper on Maternal supplementation of organic zinc improved offspring’s gut health in broiler chickens.

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November, 2024

Expression of interest for Licensing Animal Feed supplement Technologies

ICAR-NIANP technologies developed on anti-methanogenic feed supplements: 1. “Tamarind seed husk enriched complete feed block for reducing enteric methane emissions from ruminants”. (Patent Granted). 2. “Non-conventional oil for reduction of enteric methane emissions in ruminants”. (Patent Granted). 3. “Brewery waste for reducing enteric methane emissions from ruminants”. 4. “Biowaste of seaweed obtained after supercritical fluid extraction for reducing enteric methane emissions in ruminants” (patent Applied). For more info download the attachment below.

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October, 2024

Rashtriya Ekta Diwas Pledge

Rashtriya Ekta Diwas was celebrated in our office, where the staff took the pledge to promote national unity and integrity. This day is observed to honor Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, a key figure in India's unification, and to reinforce our commitment to fostering harmony and inclusiveness within our diverse workplace. It served as a reminder of the importance of teamwork and solidarity, reflecting Patel's values.


October, 2024

Integrity Pledge was taken on the occasion of Vigilance Awareness Week(28/10/2024 to 03/11/2024)

The Integrity Pledge, taken during Vigilance Week from October 28 to November 3, 2024, serves as a commitment to uphold ethical standards and combat corruption. This initiative aims to promote transparency and accountability in all spheres of public and private life. Participants are encouraged to reflect on their responsibilities and foster an environment of integrity within their communities. By taking the pledge, individuals reaffirm their dedication to acting honestly and encouraging others to do the same.

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October, 2024

Farmers-Scientist Interaction Meet cum Input Distribution under DAPSC & DAPST Scheme

The ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru organized one day Farmers-Scientist Interaction meet cum Input Distribution on (28.10.2024) scientific feeding for dairy farmers and distributed Cattle concentrate feed( 200 kg/ farmer), rubber mats, Stainless steel milk buckets, Veterinary medicine kits(8 materials/kit), Fertimin plus -5kg, OmeB -5kg, Jute bags, Informative leaflet, Notepad and Pen to selected SC and ST Dairy farmers of Karnataka, Andhrapradesh, Tamilnadu under Development Action Plan for Scheduled Caste and Development Action Plan for Schedule Tribes (DAPSC/ DAPST) Scheme. A total of 145 dairy farmers (67male and 78 females) belonging to Scheduled caste and 18 dairy farmers (12 male and 6 females) belonging to Scheduled Tribes benefitted in this program.

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October, 2024

Swachh Bharat Program: A Journey Towards Cleanliness (September 14 - October 2, 2024)

The Swachh Bharat Program, held from September 14 to October 2, 2023, engaging both children and employees in promoting cleanliness and hygiene. A standout feature was the formation of a human chain, symbolizing unity and commitment to a cleaner environment. To enhance awareness, several campaign and motivational videos on cleanliness and sanitation were displayed, inspiring participants to take meaningful action. The program concluded on October 2 with a celebration, highlighting the collective efforts to create a cleaner and healthier workplace and community.


September, 2024

ICAR-NIANP organized Farmers Scientist Interaction meet under DAPSC and NICRA Project

ICAR-NIANP Bengaluru organized one day “Farmers Scientist Interaction meet” under the DAPSC (SCSP) and NICRA Project on 26.09.2024. The SC dairy farmers (48 numbers: 39 Males and 9 Females) from Srinivasapura and Mulbagal Taluk of Kolar district of Karnataka participated in the program. For more info download the attachment below.

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September, 2024

Advances in Animal Feeding and Management for Enhanced Farm Income

A two-days training program on “Advances in Animal Feeding and Management for Enhanced Farm Income” sponsored by NABARD was inaugurated at ICAR-NIANP Auditorium on 24th September, 2024 at 10:00 AM. General Manager, NABARD, Bengaluru, Dr. S. Brindha and Smt. Nalini H. J. Director Central Training Institute, Karnataka Milk Federation, Bengaluru and Dr. A. Sahoo, Director, ICAR-NIANP have graced the occasion. Twenty three farmer trainees representing FPOs’ from different districts of Karnataka are participating in this program. The Chief-Guest of the function, Dr. S. Brindha spoke on various activities of NABARD for promoting FPOs’ and major sponsored schemes of Govt. of India operated through NABARD. Smt. Nalini H. J. Guest of Honor in her talk emphasized on importance of advances in animal feeding in dairy farming where institutes like ICAR-NIANP has a pivotal role to play. Dr. A. Sahoo, Director of the Institute in his deliberation talked about the necessity of inter-institutional collaborations for the benefit of larger farming community.


August, 2024

DAPSC Workshop at Malligondanahalli on 24th August 2024

On August 24, 2024, the ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology (ICAR-NIANP) organized a field workshop on “Scientific feeding practices for dairy farmers” at Maligondanahalli. As a part of the event, 12 tons of concentrated cattle feed and Fertimin-Plus supplement were distributed to Scheduled Caste dairy farmers of two villages in Bengaluru urban under the Developmental Action Plan for the Scheduled Caste Sub Plan Scheme. The workshop aimed to demonstrate the role of feeding balanced nutrition on the reproductive health and milk production of dairy animals in the region.

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August, 2024

ICAR-NIANP reaches to SC farmers of Southern India through On-Farm Training

ICAR-NIANP Bengaluru organized one day On-Farm Farmers’ Training Programme on “Scientific feeding practices for Dairy animals” under the DAPSC (SCSP) scheme on 19.08.2024. A total of 25 SC dairy farmers (7 Males and 18 Females) from Maragondanahalli villages under Bengaluru South participated in the program. During the training programme, scientists have interacted with the farmers on i) various feeding pattern for animals at different stages of their lifecycle ii) supplementary feeding to sustain milk yield and lactation, iii) various feed formulations involving locally available feed resources, iv) easy to manage and develop forage resources: fodder grasses, Azolla cultivation, Silage making, etc

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August, 2024

Distribution of Concentrate Feed at farmers door step under DAPSC Scheme

The ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru organized one day workshop on (09.08.2024) scientific feeding for dairy farmers and distributed Concentrate Feeds (30 Tons) to selected SC Dairy farmers of six villages (Doddathandya, Anajawadi doddi, Chowkasandra, Tulasi doddi, Manchanadoddi and Ramanahalli), Kanakpura Taluk under Developmental Action Plan for Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (DAPSC) Scheme. A total of 159 dairy farmers (100 male and 59 females) belonging to Scheduled caste benefitted in this program

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July, 2024

ICAR-NIANP organizes training programme under DAPSC Scheme

ICAR-NIANP Bengaluru organized one day farmer training programme on “Scientific feeding practices for Dairy animals” under the DAPSC (SCSP) scheme on 31.07.2024. SC dairy farmers (25 numbers: 15 Males and 10 Females) from Ramanayakana Thandya / Kariyapanapalya villages under Bengaluru

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July, 2024

Auction Notice for disposal of old unserviceable items

ICAR-NIANP through its authorized agents M/s Royal Auctioneers is arranging a auction for disposal of old unserviceable items. Interested bidders can participate on 22-07-2024 at 11 AM. For more info download the attachment below.

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July, 2024

Auction Notice for harvesting green grass at FPU

ICAR-NIANP through its authorized agents M/s Royal Auctioneers is arranging a auction for harvesting green grass at FPU area. Interested bidders may participate in auction on 22-07-2024 at 12 PM. For more info download the attachment below.

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July, 2024

ICAR-NIANP organizes Animal Health Camp under Farmer Firsts Project

Animal health camp was organized by ICAR-NIANP at Karnala Village, Doddaballapura Taluk on 04 th July 2024 under the ICAR sponsored Farmer Firsts Project.

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June, 2024

ICAR-NIANP organizes Animal Fertility Camp

Animal Fertility camp was organized by ICAR-NIANP at Doddathandya Village, Kanakapura Taluk on 26 th June 2024 under the DAPSC programme. Fourteen dairy farmers from Scheduled Caste presented their animals (29 Adult animals and 7 Heifers) for various reproductive health check- ups.

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June, 2024

International Yoga Day, 21 st June, 2024 celebrations at ICAR-NIANP, Bangalore

The International Yoga Day 2024, was organized on 21-6-2024 at ICAR-NIANP, Bangalore. As a part of the celebration, a yoga session was held at 8.00am. For more info refer the attachment below.

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June, 2024

ICAR-NIANP organizes training programme under DAPSC Scheme on 20-06-2024

ICAR-NIANP Bengaluru organized one day farmer training programme on “Scientific feeding practices for Dairy animals” under the DAPSC (SCSP) scheme on 20.06.2024. SC dairy farmers (26 numbers: 03 Males and 23 Females) from Thally Block village under Krishnagiri Dt TN participated in the program.

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June, 2024

Launch Workshop of DAPST

A launch workshop of DAPST scheme was organized on The Wednesday, 19.06.2024 at ICAR-NIANP. Dr B.R. Gulati, Director, ICAR-NIVEDI and Dr A. Dhali, Head, SRS, ICAR-NDRI graced the occasion. The programme started at 11.30 AM in the auditorium. A total 77 dairy farmer participants (ST) from Malkanahalli and Bingipura Villages of Malur Taluk, Kolar District participated in the event. Dr A. Sahoo, Director, ICAR-NIANP welcomed the guests and deliberated on the importance of central TSP scheme.

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May, 2024

ICAR-NIANP organizes training programme under DAPSC Scheme on 31-05-2024

ICAR-NIANP Bengaluru organized one day farmer training programme on “scientific feeding practices for dairy animals” under the DAPSC (SCSP) scheme on 31.05.2024. SC dairy farmers (25 numbers) from Chikkalauru village of Bangalore south participated in the program.

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May, 2024

Workshop cum Hands-on Training on eHRMS 2.0 at ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru.

A Workshop cum Hands-on training on eHRMS 2.0 was conducted at ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru on 03rd May, 2024. Officials from the ICT Division of ICAR Headquarters, Dr. K. P Singh (Principal Scientist), Shri Anil Kumar Verma (Assistant), and Shri Freedom Guria (Under Secretary, Personnel) were the resource persons. For more info click the link below.

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March, 2024

An interface meet of Scientists - Industry and Farmers held at ICAR-NIANP

A Scientist-Industry-Farmers Interactive Meet was organized by ICAR- National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru, in collaboration with IP&TM Unit, ICAR, New Delhi on 22.03.2024. Dr. K T Sampath, Former Director, ICAR- NIANP was the Chief Guest of the event. Dr.Sampath emphasized the increased need of feed and other agri-based industries in reaching the technology products to the livestock farmers.

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March, 2024

SERB sponsored High-end workshop (KARYASHALA) on “Advances in Nutritional and Biotechnological Approaches in Improving Productivity in Farm Animals”

ICAR – National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Adugodi, Bengaluru has organized a DST- SERB sponsored (Under Accelerate Vigyan scheme) 10 days Karyashala on “Advances in Nutritional and Biotechnological Approaches in Improving Productivity in Farm Animal” from 01 st to 10 th March 2024.

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February, 2024

WVPA (India) Conference 2024

The World Veterinary Poultry Association (WVPA) India and the ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology (NIANP), Bengaluru will jointly host WVPA (India) Conference 2024 on ’ Avian Health: Challenges and Opportunities’ during February 15-16, 2024 at the ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru. For more information download the attachment below.

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February, 2024

ICAR-NIANP conducted AICRP Review Meeting on 12 th February 2024

ICAR-NIANP hosted the AICRP Review meeting on “Nutritional Physiological Interventions for Enhancing Reproductive Performance in Animals” on 12 th February 2024. For more info download the attachment below.

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January, 2024

ICAR Sponsored Winter School on 'Livestock Production, GHG Emissions and Environmental Pollutants: Mitigation and Bioremediation from 09 January - 29 January 2024

Global demand for livestock products is expected to increase by 60 percent by 2050. The livestock sector is under tremendous pressure to fulfill the increasing demand for safe, nutritious livestock-derived products. Thus, providing animals with adequate, balanced diets free of toxins and contaminants is essential to enhance their productivity and welfare. The training programme comprising a blend of theory and practical demonstrations is designed for the researchers and academicians from the NARS. For more information regarding the Winter School check the link given below.

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January, 2024

ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru concludes Winter School on ‘Livestock Production, GHG Emissions, and Environmental Pollutants: Mitigation and Bioremediation’ on 29th January 2024

ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology has conducted a 21-day ICAR- sponsored winter school on ‘Livestock Production, GHG Emissions, and Environmental Pollutants: Mitigation and Bioremediation’. The inaugural program held on January 9, 2024, was graced by Dr. Prof. K.M.L. Pathak, former DDG (AS), ICAR, New Delhi, and former Vice Chancellor, DUVASU, Mathura, as the chief guest. Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta, the then Director of ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru, and presently Deputy Director General (Animal Science), presided over the function. A total of 24 participants from eight disciplines hailing from 12 states attended the winter school from January 9–29, 2024. Dr. P.K. Malik, course director, welcomed the dignitaries and presented an overview of the training program.

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August, 2023

Director General ICAR inaugurates Auditorium at ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru

A newly built auditorium at the ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru was inaugurated by Dr Himanshu Pathak, Secretary DARE and Director General ICAR, New Delhi on 30 th August 2023.

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July, 2023

ICAR-NIANP organizes training programme under DAPSC

ICAR-NIANP Bengaluru organized one day farmer training programme on “scientific feeding practices for dairy animals” under the DAPSC (SCSP) scheme on 26 th July 2023. SC dairy farmers (26 numbers) from Anajwadi Doddi village of Kanakpura Taluk, Karnataka participated in the program. During the training programme, various feeding pattern about fodder grasses, Azolla cultivation, Silage making, and scientific dairy farming issues were explained to the farmers.

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July, 2023

ICAR-NIANP signs fourth commercialization agreement for ‘Harit Dhara’

The ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru, Karnataka commercialized the anti-methanogenic feed supplement ‘Harit Dhara’ to M/s Unique Organic Inputs on a non-exclusive basis through AgrInnovate India on July 16 th during the ICAR Foundation Day Program at New Delhi.

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July, 2023

Distribution of Fertimin Plus-Feed supplement to SC dairy Farmers of Doddathandya Village under DAPSC Scheme

The ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru organized and distributed Fertimin Plus-Feed supplement packets (03.07.2023) to SC Dairy farmers of Doddathandya village, Kanakpura Taluk under Developmental Action Plan for Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (DAPSC) Scheme. Dairy farmers (11 numbers) belonging to Scheduled caste benefitted under this DAPSC scheme.

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June, 2023

Distribution of Milk Cans to promote SC dairy Farmers of Doddathandya and Anajwadi Doddi Village under DAPSC Scheme

The ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru organized milk can distribution programme on 16.06.2023 at Doddathandya and Anajwadi Doddi, Kanakpura Taluk under Developmental Action Plan for Scheduled Caste Sub Plan (DAPSC) Scheme.

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June, 2023

ICAR-NIANP Organized Technical Workshop on Fodder

A customized technical workshop was organized for the field officers of Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF) on the importance of fodder and its management for economic dairying. The programme was arranged in three batches (9th, 12th and 14th June 2023) and a total of 103 officers participated.

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May, 2023

Technical Knowledge Exchange with Karnataka Poultry Farmers and Breeders Association

ICAR- National Institute of Animal Nutrition and & Physiology, Bangalore signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Karnataka Poultry Farmers and Breeders Association (KPFBA). The KPFBA is an apex body, representing poultry farmers & breeders of Karnataka.

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May, 2023

ICAR-NIANP organized training for Hatsun Agro product Limited staff

Three-day customized training on Basics of dairy cattle nutrition and feed formulation was organized from 17-19 May 2023 at ICAR-NIANP, Banglaore. For more information download the attachment

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April, 2023

ICAR-NIANP Commercializes ‘OmeB’ a Phyto-supplement for redesigning cattle milk fat

The ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru licensed the ‘OmeB’ technology to M/s Jai Shri Kamdhenu Products LLP, Delhi on a non-exclusive basis through AgrInnovate India on 27th April 2023.

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March, 2023

ICAR-NIANP organizes Animal Fertility Camp

A livestock Fertility Camp was organized by ICAR-NIANP at AnajwadiDoddi Village, Kanakapura Taluk on 17th March 2023 under SCSP programme. Dr A. Arangasamy Pr. Scientist and Dr. Krishnappa B, scientist distributed the ICAR-NIANP developed critical nutrient packets to dairy farmers”. Over 20 dairy farmers belonging to Scheduled Caste presented their animals (15 Adult animals and 10 Heifers) for various reproductive health check-up. Infertile, delayed puberty were examined, and farmers took the benefit of health camp.

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March, 2023

ICAR-NIANP organized Livestck Fertility Camp

A Fertility Camp cum critical nutrient distribution was organized at Doddanthya Village, Kanakapura Taluk near Bengaluru on 15th March 2023 under SCSP programme. Dr A. Arangasamy Pr. Scientist and Dr. Krishnappa B, scientist, distributed the critical nutrient packets developed by ICAR-NIANPto dairy farmers. Twenty-two dairy farmers belonging to Scheduled Caste presented their animals (38 Adult animals and 17 Heifers) for various reproductive health check-up. The reproductive issues such as stunted growth and delayed puberty repeat breeding, anoestrus and pregnancy diagnosis were addressed and farmers took the benefit of the fertility camp and received the ICAR-NIANP developed critical nutrient packets.

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March, 2023

Visit of B Tech. (Poultry Technology) students To ICAR- National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru

A batch of twenty-one final year Bachelor of Technology (Poultry Technology) students from College of Poultry Production and Management, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Hosur visited the ICAR- National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru on 13thMarch 2023 to witness the advanced research facilities. Dr. Devraj, Scientist, NIANP explained the climate chamber facility and briefed about the ongoing research activities being carried out. Dr. A.V. Elangovan, Pr. Scientist showed the poultry research facilities of the institute and explained about ration formulation, feeding management, housing of poultry, management precautions, importance of micronutrients, etc. Dr. K.V.H. Sastry Pr. Scientist demonstrated the in Ovo technique to the students. He also explained the importance of in Ovo technique in poultry industry for disease mitigation and introduction of desired nutrients directly to the embryo. The students were accompanied with Dr. A. Sundaresan, Associate Professor and Dr. R. Karthiayani, Assistant Professor of the college.

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March, 2023

ICAR-NIANP celebrated International Women’s Day on 8th March, 2023

The ICAR-NIANP celebrated International Women’s Day on 8th March, 2023. As a part of the celebrations, various competitions were held for the women staff to encourage their participation and showcase their talents. Essay and drawing competitions were held on the themes ‘Embrace equity for Indian women’ and ‘DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality’ respectively.


February, 2023

ICAR-NIANP organizes training programme under DAPSC

ICAR-NIANP Bengaluru organized one day farmer training programme under the DAPSC (SCSP) programme on February 15 th 2023. 20 dairy farmers from Doddathantya village of Kanakpura Taluk, Karnataka participated in the program. During the training programme, various feeding pattern about fodder grasses, Azolla cultivation, Silage making, and scientific dairy farming issues were explained to the farmers. The reproductive issues such as importance of calve to cow- rearing and feeding were discussed. The training was conducted by Dr Arangasamy, Dr Krishnappa Balaganur and Dr. Giridhar K.

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February, 2023

ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru organized workshop on “IPR and Copyright Issues in Animal Science”

Institute Technology Management Unit of ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology Bengaluru conducted a workshop on “IPR and Copyright Issues in Animal Sciences” 0n 9 February, 2023. The workshop was organized for the benefit of scientists for creating awareness about the intellectual property and copyright requirements, its benefits to the research institutes and clarifying doubts about the procedures and commercialization of these IPs. The workshop was chaired by Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP. The first deliberation was delivered by Dr. Ashwini Siwal, Assistant Professor & Director of Entrepreneurial Law Clinic, University of Delhi on Indian Copyright law and implications for research institutes. Different forms of IP in research institutions, their protection and advantages for public research organization was covered by Dr. Yashwant Dev Parmar, Scientist F and Head, Patent Facilitating Centre, TIFAC, New Delhi. Dr. Vikram Singh, Senior Scientist from IP&TM Division of ICAR has covered the IPR portfolio management and its impact on Agricultural research. During the workshop, Institute scientists interacted with the expertsupon the issues in creating, protecting and managing the different forms of IP.

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February, 2023

ICAR-NIANP organized Livestock fertility Camp under SCSP programme.

Dr Arangasamy Principal Scientist and Dr Krishnappa Balaganur Scientist organized the Livestock Fertility Camp at Anajawadidoddi, Kanakapura Taluk on 1st February 2023 under SCSP programme. Over 30 dairy farmers presented their animals for various reproductive health check-up. The reproductive issues such as stunted growth and delayed puberty, repeat breeding, anoestrus and pregnancy diagnosis were attended and farmers took the benefit of the fertility camp.

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January, 2023

Visit of Mid-Career Trainees from Regional Training Centre of Indian Audit and Accounts Department To ICAR- National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru

A team comprising of twenty-one mid-career trainees and Mrs. Meena P.V., Senior Audit Officer from the Regional Training Centre of Indian Audit and Accounts Department (IA & AD), Bengaluru undertook one-day field visit to ICAR- National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru on 6thJanuary 2023. Dr. D.T. Pal, Principal Scientist & In-Charge/ PME briefed about the activities of ICAR-NIANP and interacted with trainees on various aspects specifically aboutproject formulation, technology transfer, project budgeting, monitoring and evaluation. The trainees visited various facilities of the institute, particularly Fodder Production Unit, Experimental Livestock Unit, Centre for Climate Resilient Animal Adaptation Studies, and Centre for Laboratory Animal Research etc. Besides, live demonstration of silage making was given by Dr. S. Anandan, Principal Scientist& In-Charge, HRD. Dr. A.K. Samanta, Principal Scientist & PRO briefed about ICAR and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) linked with agriculture and allied sectors.

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December, 2022

ICAR-NIANP inks second Commercialization of ‘OmeB’ a phyto-supplement for redesigning of cattle milk fat

The ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, licensed the ‘OmeB’ technology to M/s Unique Organic Inputs, Bardoli, Gujarat, on a non-exclusive basis through AgrInnovate India. During the institute foundation day, Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru, and Shri Devendra Malik and Sujeet Nirwal, Directors, M/s Unique Organic Inputs, signed the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) on behalf of their respective organizations. Dr. Jagmohan Sharma, IFS & Director General, Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute, Govt. of Karnataka, and Dr. Suresh S. Honnappagol, Former Animal Husbandry Commissioner, Govt. of India, were also present during the signing of MoU. Shri Devendra Malik stated that the adoption of OmeB through Unique Organic Inputs in the field would be helpful to the dairy farmers by fetching more income via milk fat modulation. The technology OmeB was developed by the NIANP through comprehensive research and validated for milk fat modulation through field studies in dairy animals. OmeB leads to a significant increase in the mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The product also improves the conjugated linoleic acids and omega fatty acids content of the milk. The institute filed a patent (No. 202211040737) for the technology and previously commercialised it to M/s Gou Agritech (P) Limited, Bengaluru.

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September, 2022

ICAR-NIANP inks the third commercialization of anti-methanogenic feed supplement ‘Harit Dhara’

The ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru, Karnataka commercialized the anti-methanogenic feed supplement ‘Harit Dhara’ to BAIF Development Research Foundation, Pune on a non-exclusive basis through AgrInnovate India on September 29th, 2022. Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta, inventor & Director, ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru and Shri. Bharat Kakade, President, BAIF Development Research Foundation, signed the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) on behalf of their respective organizations for the licencing and commercial manufacturing of the anti-methanogenic feed supplement. Dr. Bhatta stated that the product has been developed through systematic and comprehensive research for more than a decade and the supplement is very effective in mitigating the daily enteric methane emission from ruminants by about 20%. Dr. Bhatta said that the supplement was earlier commercialized to the SaiDeep Exports Pvt Ltd., Bengaluru and Core CarbonX Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad and this is the third commercialization of the supplement. Dr. Praveen Malik, CEO, AgrInnovate India, New Delhi was also present during the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement. On the occasion, Dr. Malik said that while serving as Commissioner, Animal Husbandry, Govt. of India, he has issued an advisory to all the State Animal Husbandry Dept. for the adoption of the ‘Harit Dhara technology’. Shri. Bharat Kakade, PresidentBAIF Development Research Foundation, Pune informed that BAIF is planning to adopt the Harit Dhara technology across 10 states of India for the effective mitigation of daily enteric methane emissions thereby improving livestock productivity. He also stated that BAIF would make an effective plan for claiming the carbon credit achieved through this technology. The co-inventors of the technology, Dr. P. K. Malik and Dr. A. P. Kolte, along with the other senior officials of NIANP and Dr. M. J. Aware, Senior Nutritionist, BAIF were also present during the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement at ICAR-NIANP. The ‘Harit Dhara’ is a patent-applied technology (No. 201941004992).

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September, 2022

ICAR- NIANP, Bengaluru organized ‘Certificate Training Program’ for M.V.Sc. / Ph.D. Students of MAFSU during 22nd to 28thSeptember 2022

The ‘Certificate Training program’ for M.V.Sc./ Ph.D. students of MAFSU, Nagpur was organized at ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru during 22nd to 28thSeptember 2022. A batch of ten students attended the training for the advancement of research skill and practical knowledge on niche areas in the discipline of Animal Nutrition, Veterinary physiology and Veterinary Biochemistry. The students have been imparted hand-on experience on mineral analysis using Induction Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES), stem cell isolation, purification, culture and preservation, in vitro gas production technique, sperm kinematics and functional assay, sulfur hexafluoride tracer technique for methane estimation, nutraceutical production from agricultural wastes, RNA extraction from spermatozoa, PCR, qPCR, Bioinformatics, production of azolla, grain sprouts and silage, use of animal climate chamber: data recording, integration and interpretation besides filed visit to Central Frozen Semen Production & Training Institute, Hessaraghatta. Addressing the students during the valedictory function the Chief Guest Dr. C.S. Nagaraj, Dean, Veterinary College, Hebbal, Bengaluru highlighted the importance of such training program. He also urged the students not to miss the opportunities to undergo training in niche areas of research. Dr. Bhatta, Director, NIANP advised the students to apply these advanced skill and knowledge during their research pursuit, either Master or Doctoral levels. The program was coordinated by Dr AK Samanta, Principal Scientist and Dr Gopi and Dr Krishnappa were the Associate Coordinators.

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September, 2022

ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru inks MoU with NDVSU, Jabalpur

ICAR- National Institute of Animal Nutrition and & Physiology, Bangalore signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoA) with Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science University, Jabalpurfor promoting research and education. The MoU was signed by Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director of ICAR-NIANP, Bangalore and the Hon. Vice Chancellor of NDVSU, Jabalpur Dr S P Tiwari on behalf of their respective Organizationson 21st September 2022. The MoU is aimed at promoting an Inter-Institutional Collaborative Research and Academic Engagements in the areas of common interest. Dr.Raghavendra Bhatta outlined the main objective of the MoU to stimulate and facilitate the collaboration and promote the mutually interested common programmes that help advance the interests of the scientific studies. He stressed that the National and International Level Collaborative Programmes and Engagements for enhanced outreach & awareness on technological outcomes and Success Stories would be aimed through the MoU. He further emphasized that ICAR-NIANP has state-of-the-art facilities such as Centre for Laboratory Animal Research (CLAR), a BSL-II facility for laboratory animal research, Centre for climate resilient animal adaptation studies and many important laboratories. The institute also recently constructed hostel for the benefit of students. Dr Tiwari, Hon. VC. NDVSU emphasized that the MoU will help in collaborative research and students research at NIANP, Bengaluru.

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September, 2022

ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru bags prestigious “Outstanding Institution(Outlook) Award”

The National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology (NIANP), Bengaluru, has been selected for being ‘Outstanding Institute’ Award. The Award was presented on 14th Sept. 2022 at New Delhi in a national programme of Outlook Agritech Summit and Awards – 2022, by Shri Narendra Singh Tomar, Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare to Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta, Director of the Institute. The ICAR- NIANP, has recently bagged the prestigious Sardar Patel Outstanding Institution Award by ICAR for the year 2021.

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August, 2022

ICAR-NIANP Commercializes OmeB(milk-fat modulator)

The ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru, Karnataka commercialized the ‘OmeB’ product to M/s Gou Agritech (P) Limited on a non-exclusive basis through AgrInnovate India on 8th August 2022. The productOmeB is developed by the NIANP through comprehensive research and validated for the milk fat modulation through field studies in dairy animals. Feeding of OmeBto ruminants leads to a significant increase in the mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids in the milk. The product also improves the conjugated linoleic acids and omega fatty acids content of the milk. The institute has already filed a patent for OmeB (No. 202211040737) Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru and Shri Shabarish C.N., Managing Director, M/s Gou Agritech (P) Limited signed the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) on behalf of their respective organizations for the licensing to commercial manufacturing and sale.Dr. Sudha Mysore, C.E.O., AgrInnovate India, New Delhi was also present during the occasion. Shri Shabarish stated that with the commercialization of product, the livestock dairy farmers can fetch more income through the milk fat modulation. He also said that the productis highly economical and will help to improve the income of dairy farmers.

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July, 2022

ICAR-NIANP Commercializes Improvised Gas Collection Device for Methane Measurement from Ruminants

The ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru commercialized a patent applied technology ‘An Improved Device for Collection and Measurement of Enteric Methane Emission in Ruminants’ to InayatUllah Engineering Works (IEW), Bengaluru on 28th July 2022. Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru and ShriInyatUllah Shariff, CEO M/s InayatUllah Engineering Works (IEW) signed the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) on behalf of their respective Organizations for the licensing to manufacture and sell the improvised gas collection device. SF6 technique consider the exhale of methane and sulfur hexafluoride gases from the rumen with an identical probability of interception by a breath sampler located near the nasal cavity. One of those two gases is purposeful tracer SF6, which has a known release rate; while the release of other gas (methane) is under investigation. Thus, the concentration ratio of those gases in breath sample, accumulated over a feeding cycle can be equated to the ratio of their release rates. The SF6 assembly include gas collection vessel, halters, and gas chromatography. Gas collection vessel is one of the important and integral components used for the collection and accumulation of 24 hr breath gas sample. The minimum duration of gas collection in SF6 is 5-6 days; however, practically it takes about 12-15 days for the collection of minimum 5-6 successful samples. Therefore, only 40-50% of the gas collection is successful and remaining 50-60% unsuccessful collection is attributed to the leakage and blockage of halter components, breakage, leakage, and blockage of canisters. This uncertainty leads to the huge time loss, manpower wastage, prolonging of the study duration, gas losses etc.Keeping the above demerits of the existing assembly in view, ICAR-NIANP has developed the improvised gas collection device which detect the leakage and blockage of halters and canisters and monitored in real time gas collection. The advantages of using the improvised gas collection device are a) 100% successful gas collection b) No breakage of the gas collection canisters c) Detect immediate gas leakage and blockage from the assembly d) Monitor real time gas collection e) Avoid the unnecessary prolonging of animal experimentation f) Save manpower & feed cost and additional gaseous in GC g) Ensures uniform N2 dilution .

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July, 2022

NIANP, Bengaluru bags prestigious “Sardar Patel Outstanding Institution Award”

The National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology (NIANP), Bengaluru, a unit of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) under the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare has been awarded “Sardar Patel Outstanding InstitutionAward”for the year 2021, during the 94th ICAR Foundation Day of ICAR, held at New Delhi on 16th July 2022. At a glittering ceremony held at A.P.Shinde Hall at New Delhi, Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta, Director of ICAR-NIANP received the Award from the Hon’ble Union Minister for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Shri Narendra Singh Tomar. Other dignitaries present on the occasion were Shri ParshottamRupala, Hon’ble Minister for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Shri Kailash Choudhary, Hon’ble Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare and Dr Ramesh Chand, Member, NITI Ayog, and Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary to Govt. of India (DARE) & Director General, ICAR and other senior officers of ICAR. The recipient of the Award, Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, NIANP expressed his happiness over receiving the Award for the second time in a decade. On this occasion, briefly stating about the activities of NIANP, Dr. Bhatta said that the NIANP established in 1995, is one of the premier Animal Science Research Institutes of ICAR. The NIANP is mandated to carry out research on fundamental and basic principles of physiology and nutrition of animals to improve productivity, better nutrient utilization and livestock management of large and small ruminants among other species. Dr. Bhatta further said that the NIANP is collaborating with a number of research organizations at national and international levels. The NIANP with many innovations has been reaching out to the farmers, and field-level officers involved in animal husbandry development programmes. The NIANP has trained a large number of farmers and veterinarians also, who have benefited with knowledge-enhancement in livestock rearing and management. Many of its research outputs and technologies have been commercialized and many entrepreneurs and feed industry have adopted the same. The NIANP, having established state of the art laboratory facilities is in the forefront in animal nutrition and physiology related research in the country, Dr. Bhatta added. The scientists of the Institute have been bestowed with many other prestigious awards for their work in the past.

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July, 2022

Technology Available for Licensing: ICAR-NIANP Developed “An Improved Device for Collection and Measurement of Enteric Methane Emissions in Ruminants.

Description of the Technology: Among the conventional techniques to measure the enteric methane emission by ruminants, one of the widely used technique developed and recommended for the collection of breath samples is SF6 technique wherein the SF6 assembly include gas collection vessel, halters and gas chromatographic analysis. Gas collection vessel is one of the most important and integral components used for the collection and accumulation of breath gas samples of the animals to quantify daily enteric CH4 emissions. This method employs a calibrated SF6 source (a permeation tube) pre-inserted into the reticulo-rumen of the participating animal and a lightweight “breath”-collection apparatus (evacuated PVC canister and capillary flow-restrictor) mounted on the animal. The duration of gas collection using SF6 is generally 5-6 days only however, it takes about 12-15 days for the collection of 5-6 successful sample collections. Therefore, only 40-50% of the gas collection is successful and remaining 50-60% unsuccessful collection is due to blockage of halters, breakage, leakage, blockage of PVC canisters, long duration for calculation of very limited sample collection which leads to huge time loss, manpower wastage and thereby prolonging the study duration etc. Therefore, to overcome the limitations and problems associated with the conventional devices/techniques related to the measurement of the enteric methane emission, an improved device was developed using PVC canister for collection and measurement of enteric methane emission that can detect the blockage or the leakage at the esrliest to identify the problem and change the vessel. Further the vessel design was modified to made it stronger using supports and other modifications in the design. Keeping the above demerits of the existing assembly in view, the developed improvised gas collection vessel facilitates leakage and blockage of halters and canisters in real time. The constant monitoring of the gas inflow through the additional component (pressure gauge) in the canister will enable the researchers to immediately replace the halter or canisters as per the blockage or leakage. In doing so, the successful collection can be accomplished within the 5-6 days without prolonging of the study duration, and it will also minimize the wastage of feed, time, research consumables etc. In addition, the existing gas collection vessels modified for improved strength by by fixing inner caps r support piece to prevent the leakage from canister. The modifications in gas collection vessels substantially improved and validated in the cattle and buffaloes for detecting the leakage, blockage and prevention of breakage. Prospective clients of the Technology: Research Institutes engaged in measuring Enteric Methane emissions from ruminants. Contact: Director, ICAR-NIANP directornianp@gmail.com


June, 2022

Annual Review Meeting of AICRP (Nutrition-Reproduction) and Outreach Program (Methane Mitigation) held at ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru, 24-25th June 2022

The Annual Review Meeting of AICRP on ‘Nutritional and Physiological Interventions for Enhancing Reproductive Performance in Animals and Outreach Program on Estimation of Methane Emission under Different Feeding Systems and Development of Mitigation Strategies’ was held at ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru, during 24-25th June 2022 under the Chairmanship of Dr B N Tripathi, Hon’ble DDG (AS). Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, NIANP and Coordinator of both the projects presented the coordinator’s report for the years 2020-21 & 2021-22. Dr Tripathi after releasing the Annual Reports of the projects emphasized the importance of nutrition of farm animals as it constitutes 65-70% of management cost and equally accounted for the accrued profit. He stressed the need to evolve adoptable technologies to harness the benefits in the competitive global arena. He opined that the role of Physiology as a basic platform is immense, where many interventions are possible. He lauded the scientists for developing buffalo specific semen extender Buffasol. The presentation on work done by all the centers was reviewed by both DDG (AS) and Director, ICAR-NIANP. In his concluding remarks, DDG(AS) reiterated the need to conduct priority based, target oriented work to develop an effective Research & Development model. He appreciated the development of product Harit Dhara and its commercialization. He emphasized the need to document the impact of the technology in quantifiable terms. The Director, ICAR-NIANP thanked DDG (AS) for his valuable time and constructively reviewing the progress of work and suggesting a road map for future work plan.

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June, 2022

Annual Review Meeting of AICRP (Nutrition-Reproduction) and Outreach Program (Methane Mitigation) held at ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru, 24-25th June 2022

The Annual Review Meeting of AICRP on ‘Nutritional and Physiological Interventions for Enhancing Reproductive Performance in Animals and Outreach Program on Estimation of Methane Emission under Different Feeding Systems and Development of Mitigation Strategies’ was held at ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru, during 24-25th June 2022 under the Chairmanship of Dr B N Tripathi, Hon’ble DDG (AS). Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, NIANP and Coordinator of both the projects presented the coordinator’s report for the years 2020-21 & 2021-22. Dr Tripathi after releasing the Annual Reports of the projects emphasized the importance of nutrition of farm animals as it constitutes 65-70% of management cost and equally accounted for the accrued profit. He stressed the need to evolve adoptable technologies to harness the benefits in the competitive global arena. He opined that the role of Physiology as a basic platform is immense, where many interventions are possible. He lauded the scientists for developing buffalo specific semen extender Buffasol. The presentation on work done by all the centers was reviewed by both DDG (AS) and Director, ICAR-NIANP. In his concluding remarks, DDG(AS) reiterated the need to conduct priority based, target oriented work to develop an effective Research & Development model. He appreciated the development of product Harit Dhara and its commercialization. He emphasized the need to document the impact of the technology in quantifiable terms. The Director, ICAR-NIANP thanked DDG (AS) for his valuable time and constructively reviewing the progress of work and suggesting a road map for future work plan.

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June, 2022

ICAR-NIANP Newsletter

ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition & Physiology Newsletter Jul-Dec 2021

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May, 2022

Revised Order, ICAR -NIANP, Bengaluru conducting auction of intends to dispose coconut fruits from 140 coconut trees (for one year) & 130 eucalyptus poles by Public Auction

In continuation to the Auction Notice dated: 12-05-2022, the date of Public Auction for Coconut fruit / eucalyptus poles has been rescheduled on 30-05-2022 at 11.30AM instead of 25-05-2022 due to administrative reasons. The existing terms and conditions remains same. Accordingly necessary action may kindly be taken to dispose of the above items. This is issued with the approval of the Competent Authority of the Institute.

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May, 2022

ICAR -NIANP, Bengaluru conducting auction of intends to dispose coconut fruits from 140 coconut trees (for one year) & 130 eucalyptus poles by Public Auction

National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru is engaged in research activities in the field of animal nutrition and physiology intends to dispose coconut fruits from 140 coconut trees (for one year) & 130 eucalyptus poles by Public Auction. Our authorized agent M/s Royal Auctioneers will conduct the auction. Interested bidders may participate in large numbers and bid for the coconut fruits from eucalyptus poles on 25-05-2022 at 11:30AM. The auctioneer should pay on EMD of Rs.5000/- on the spot which is refundable in case of unsuccessful bidders on the spot. The successful bidders should remit the complete bid amount immediately on the spot and obtain the receipt from the Cashier and lift the items immediately. The Director reserves to right to accept or reject the bid without assigning any reason and not dispose off any items at his discretion. During the Auction the bidders are hereby appealed to maintain absolute silence, decorum to make the auction a success.

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April, 2022

ICAR -NIANP, Bengaluru organizes Australia India Council (AIC) workshop

The ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru organized a 3- Days International Australia-India Council Workshop on “Climate Change and Livestock Production: Current Scenario and Way Forward” during11-13 April 2022. Totally 50 participants from different states of India participated in the workshop. Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP welcomed all the delegates. Dr B. N. Tripathi, Hon'ble DDG (AS), ICAR was the chief guest. He released a springer book edited specially as a part of the workshop on ‘Climate change and livestock production: Recent advances and future perspectives’. While addressing the gathering DDG (AS) appreciated the collaboration between ICAR-NIANP and the University of Melbourne, Australia. He highlighted the effect of climate change on livestock production and the emergence of new diseases in livestock. Prof Frank Dunshea, Professor, Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Australia, guest of honour released two products Transcare-Sheep and Transcare-Goat, the supplements to ameliorate the transport stress in small ruminants and gave an overview on Indo-Australian Collaboration. Dr Surinder Singh Chauhan, Senior Lecturer, School of Agriculture and Food, The University of Melbourne, Australia, the guest of honor gave a brief about the Australia-India Council Projects. The three-days’ workshop covered lectures from the world's leading experts from Australia, Italy, Brazil, Japan and Germany. The valedictory function was held on 13 th April. Prof S Abdul Rahman, Former Dean Veterinary College, Hebbal and Executive Director and Past President, Commonwealth Veterinary Association was the chief guest and distributed the certificates and addressed the participants. Mr Gopi Shankar Director - Trade, State Government of Victoria, Australia based in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India was the guest of honor.


March, 2022

ICAR-NIANP commercializes anti-methanogenic feed supplement ‘Harit Dhara’

Livestock production is interlinked with climate change in two ways. At one hand, livestock production contributes significantly to the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission while on the other hand it is sufferer of the adverse impact of climate change. Apart from its significance in global warming, enteric methane emission also accounts for a substantial loss of biological energy which otherwise could be utilized by the ruminant for different productive functions such as milk production and growth rate. Reduction in enteric methane emission from livestock is beneficial for overcoming the production inefficiency and stabilizing the global warming phenomenon. Harit Dhara developed by ICAR-NIANP through comprehensive research over a decade, is an anti-methanogenic feed supplement prepared from natural phyto-sources. Harit Dhara is found very effective in reducing enteric methane emission up to 17- 20% when incorporated in livestock feed. The partial inhibition of enteric methanogenesis will have the dual advantage of stabilizing the global warming process and enhancing productivity by rechannelizing saved biological energy. ICAR- NIANP has already filed a patent for Harit Dhara (No. 201941004992). The technology was commercialised to M/s. Saideep Exports Pvt. Limited on a non-exclusive basis through AgrInnovate India on 24th March 2022 at ICAR-NIANP, Bangalore. The Memorandum of Agreement for licensing to manufacture and sell the formulation was signed between Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP and Shri M R Aravind, CEO, M/s. Saideep Exports Pvt. Limited in the presence of Dr Sudha Mysore, CEO, Agrinnovate India. The product has been developed by the team led by Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, NIANP and Dr Pradeep K Malik, Principal Scientist and Dr Atul P Kolte, Scientist. Saideep Exports is a Bangalore based company founded in the 1990's. Over the decades, it has diversified into a wide range of businesses such as Animal feed, wheat products, yeast, biscuits and animal health products. The Group’s dedicated research and development team has been striving towards quality and innovation. Saideep Exports has sales locations in India, Singapore, South-East Asia and Africa. Mr. Aravind, CEO of Saideep exports has expressed happiness that his company has signed the agreement for commercializing the technology developed from a renowned animal science research institute and they can brand their feed as a ‘green feed’ and the technology is truly indigenous in tune with Atmanirbhar Bharat in combating climate change.


March, 2022

Winter School on Recent Advances in Nutritional Technologies for Doubling the Farmers Income Under Changing Climate Scenario

Winter School on Recent Advances in Nutritional Technologies for Doubling the Farmers Income Under Changing Climate Scenario (22/02/2022 to 14/03/2022)

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March, 2022

Winter school concludes at ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru

The ICAR sponsored winter school on ‘Recent advances in Nutritional Technologies for doubling the farmers Income under Changing Climate Scenario’ was organized from 22nd February to March 14th at ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru. The winter school was organized in a virtual mode in which 25 participants covering 10 states participated. The course comprised of comprehensive topics covering various nutritional technologies which aid in improving farmers income such as limiting nutrient supplements and nutritional strategies for better production, reproduction, health and immunity, feed resource assessment and current feed evaluation techniques, micro-nutrients, formulation of mineral mixtures and estimation, Ration balancing and user friendly smart tools, green fodder production and conservation, metagenomics and rumen microbial diversity, rumen metabolites, feed additives, nutraceuticals, feed quality and safety, enteric methane emission, climate change and its effect on livestock productivity. Total of 30 in-house lectures, 10 guest lectures and 15 practical demonstrations were conducted. Dr. K.T. Sampath former Director, ICAR-NIANP was the chief guest during the valedictory function. In his address, he opined that theme of winter school is very pertinent in changing climate scenario, appreciated the organizers and expressed happiness about interest shown by the participants. Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP in his address informed that this is the first time NIANP has organized the winter school in a virtual mode and the feedback given by the participants would be taken care in future training programmes. Dr. SBN Rao was the Course Director and Dr. M. Chandrasekharaiah, Dr. NM Soren, Dr. Gopi M were the Course Coordinators.


January, 2022

Filling up Two (2) posts of Assistant on Inter – Institutional Transfer basis against Direct Recruitment Vacancy at ICAR – NIANP, Bengaluru – Reg

It is proposed to fill up Two (2) posts (1 UR & 1 reserved for SC) of Assistant at ICAR – NIANP, Bengaluru by recruitment on transfer basis against DR vacancy from amongst Assistants from all Institutes of ICAR. The detailed Notification may be downloaded from the institute website.

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January, 2022

ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru inks MoU with M/s Radiant Chem Industries, Chennai for Collaborative Research

Methane is the second most significant greenhouse gas (GHG) in the atmosphere. The present atmospheric concentration of methane is about 1889 ppb which is increasing at an average rate of 10 ppb per year. Enteric fermentation with an annual emission of 87–97 Tg, remains one of the largest sources of methane in the agriculture sector. The contribution of global cattle and buffaloes to the annual enteric methane emission is 77 and 13%, respectively. India has about 13% of the global population of cattle and 53% of the global population of buffaloes and these account for 4.92 and 2.91 Tg of annual global enteric methane emission from the respective species. ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology has carried out systematic and comprehensive research and developed phyto-sources based anti-methanogenic products such as Harit Dhara and Tamarin Plus. To ensure the widespread availability of anti-methanogenic supplement across different parts of the country and seasons, the ICAR-NIANP and M/s Radiant Chem Industries, Chennai entered a functional- industry-linkage through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for undertaking collaborative research to develop anti-methanogenic product (s) using industrially available tannins. The MoU was signed by Dr Raghavendra Director, ICAR-NIANP and Mr. Bharat Jain from M/s Radiant Chem Industries, Chennai.


January, 2022


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December, 2021

ICAR-NIANP in Collaboration with MANAGE Organized Three Day Online Training on Nutrition and Fertility in Dairy Animals for Veterinary Officers

On the occasion of Azaadi ka Amruth Mahotsav, ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru in collaboration with MANAGE, Hyderabad organized three-day online training programme (21-23 December 2021) on the topic “Nutrition and Fertility Management of Dairy Animals in Changing Climate Scenario”. Total of 55 Officers from Animal Husbandry Department of different States, Krishi Vigyana Kendras and State Veterinary Universities participated in this 3-day online event. Total of 12 technical presentations on different aspects covering dairy animal nutrition, climate change, stress, fertility and shelter management including an online demonstration of ration balancing were made. Technical videos (azolla, areca sheath, ration balancing, fertility) of ICAR-NIANP were also played. The open discussion including feedback session was very productive. The inaugural function was graced by Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP and the programme was coordinated by Dr NKS Gowda, Dr S Selvaraju, Dr K Giridhar, Dr B Krishnappa (ICAR-NIANP ) and Dr Shahaji Phand (MANAGE).


December, 2021

Invitation to BID for the Disposal of surplus cattle

It is in continuation of inviting bids for disposal of surplus cattle on 08-11-2021, the time for submission of bids is extended up to 10th December, 2021. Interested Goshalas / Animal Welfare Organisations, can have inspections of the animals between 10 AM and 4 PM on any working days before submitting the offers / bids.

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December, 2021

Fee structure for the supply of various rumen microbes

The Competent authority has been pleased to approve the following fee structure for the supply of rumen microbes under NCVTC project of the institute, with immediate effect.

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December, 2021

ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru organized Hands-on training programme on semen evaluation techniques

A short-term hands on training programme, “Semen evaluation techniques and nutritional management of breeding bulls” was organised at ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology Bengaluru from 2 to 4, December, 2021 The training has been organized as a part of “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” in association with Department of Animal Husbandry and veterinary Services, Karnataka for the benefit of veterinarians and technicians working in the frozen semen banks. Fourteen participants from four frozen semen banks located in Karnataka participated in the training. Objective of the training was to provide hands on training to the veterinary professionals and technicians working in the bull semen bank. The training comprised of preparation of buffers and stains to evaluate sperm kinematics, viability, morphology, microbial load, functional membrane and acrosomal integrity assessment. The trainees were also apprised of the importance of species-specific semen extender and recent advances in semen evaluation and progress with sexing of semen. Fodder production and nutritional management for breeding bulls were also enlightened. Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP was the Course Director and Drs. S. Selvaraju, A.Arangasamy, B.Krishnappa and BK Binsila were the course coordinators. The trainees appreciated the training program in their feedback and expressed their gratitude to the Government of Karnataka for nominating to the training. Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, NIANP highlighted the need for assessing the semen quality accurately and eliminating the low/sub fertile bulls from the breeding program of dairy cows and buffaloes for improving the reproductive efficiency. He also emphasized the need for nutritional management of breeding bulls considering their semen production capacity. Dr. RN Sreenivas Gowda, Former Vice-chancellor of Karnataka Veterinary and Animal Sciences University was the chief guest of the valedictory function. After releasing the compendium and distributing the certificates to the participant trainees, he highlighted the current challenges in improving reproductive efficiency of dairy animals in artificial insemination program and producing high quality semen for improving field fertility. The Chief guest also suggested regular capacity building training for semen bank personnel for improving their technical skills at national Institutes such as ICAR-NIANP.


November, 2021

Proforma for Declaration of Income Tax 2021

Proforma for Declaration of Income Tax for the FY 2021-22

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October, 2021

ILRI-ICAR, Hands-on Training concludes at NIANP, Bengaluru

A training program on ‘Livestock Methane Emission: Assessment, Impact and Amelioration Strategies’ was jointly organized by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Nairobi, Kenya and Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) at the National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology (NIANP), Bengaluru. The training consisted of the virtual lecture series and Hands-on Training. The virtual lectures were organized from 2-12th November 2020. A total 22 participants from the ICAR institutes, SAUs and BAIF attended the workshop. Ten renowned experts from the Netherlands, the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, Kenya, and Thailand and ten experts from India delivered the lectures on various aspects of rumen methanogenesis including methane quantification, methane modelling, ameliorative strategies, hydrogenotrohy, thermodynamics, molecular and bioinformatics. The second component of the training program, the Hands-on Training was organized from 26-28th October and 22 participants from 10 states have attended the program. During the inauguration, the chief guest Dr. S. Ayyappan, The Chancellor, CAU, Imphal, the Chairman, Karnataka Science and Technology Academy and Former Secretary DARE & Director General ICAR and appreciated the efforts of ILRI-ICAR for conducting the training program in one of the challenging areas and emphasized on the development of region and season specific methane ameliorative strategies. Dr. Praveen Malik, Animal Husbandry Commissioner, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Govt of India was the chief guest during the valedictory function held on 28th October 2021. Dr. Malik applauded the joint efforts of ILRI-ICAR and emphasized the periodical updating of the enteric methane emission inventory and appraised about the Agnii program for the field validation of the developed technology and connecting the researchers to the emerging entrepreneurs and incubations. Dr. H. Rahman, Regional Representative South Asia, ILRI, New Delhi graced the inauguration and valedictory program as the guest of honor. Dr. Rahman appraised the gatherings about the activities of ILRI and informed that research program on livestock methane emissions is one of the mandates of ILRI. Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta, course Director & the Director of ICAR-NIANP presented the training overview and stressed upon the importance of initiating the methane amelioration in the hotspots with the joint efforts by the networking of researchers.


September, 2021

ICAR-NIANP Organizes Three Day Technical Seminar for Officers of Semen Station, Bengaluru

On the occasion of Azaadi ka Amruth Mahotsav, ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru organized a three-day technical seminar on the theme ‘Feeding and Semen Quality Management in Breeding Bulls’ for the officers of Nandini Sperm Station (NSS) of Karnataka Milk Federation. Totally 17 officers participated, and the seminar comprised of technical presentations on nutrition and balanced feeding of breeding bulls, newer green fodder varieties and improved cultivation practices, semen quality assessment techniques, semen freezing, common problems encountered in semen processing and ameliorative measures. The program also included visit cum demonstration at Reproductive Physiology laboratory and Fodder Production Unit of ICAR-NIANP. The resource persons for the programme were Dr N K S Gowda, Dr K Giridhar, Dr S Selvaraju and Dr B Krishnappa. The valedictory program was graced by Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP and presented certificates to the participants. In his address, Dr Bhatta opined the need to translate the research advances in semen biology and quality assessment to field stations to improve the conception and fertility rate and he assured all the support in this regard. Dr B. Mallikarjuna, Director, Nandini Sperm Station, presided over the function and appreciated the importance of optimum nutrition for breeding bulls and emphasized the relevance of adopting novel techniques of semen quality assessment. It was agreed to have a memorandum of understanding for research and development activity for the mutual benefit of both the organizations.


September, 2021

ICAR-NIANP Organizes Technical Workshop for livestock on the occasion of Azadi Ka Amruth Mahotsav celebration

On the occasion of Azaadi ka Amruth Mahotsav, ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru organized a technical workshop for livestock farmers on the theme “Livestock Feeding Management and Production” at KVK-Ramanagar on 6th September 2021. More than 50 farmers participated in the event and technical presentations and interactive session on feeding of dairy animals, small ruminants including the health care aspects were made. Special thrust was on green fodder and area specific mineral mixture supplementation. Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP and Dr Savitha S M, Head, KVK-Ramanagar graced the function. Scientists of ICAR-NIANP (Dr NKS Gowda, Dr K Giridhar, Dr S Anandan, Dr B Krishnappa), KVK (Dr M S Dinesh) and local Veterinary Officer (Dr Chandrakanth) actively participated in this event.


August, 2021

ICAR-NIANP Commercializes Area Specific Mineral Mixture Technology

The deficiency and/or imbalance of micro and macro minerals is one of the important factors responsible for the low reproductive efficiency and health in dairy animals. As micronutrients are required in small quantities as compared to macronutrients, they can be supplemented more easily without affecting the existing feeding practice by the farmers. Supplementation of specific mineral mixture containing most deficient minerals in that area or zone avoids antagonistic effects of excess levels of other minerals, thereby improving their bioavailability and could be a more practical and cost-effective approach. ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru has conducted comprehensive studies on the mineral status of soil, water, feeds and fodder and blood of crossbred dairy animals maintained under field conditions in all the agro-climatic zones of Karnataka and prioritized the most limiting minerals. Based on this information area specific mineral mixture (ASMM) for four different regions was formulated, tested and validated in large number of dairy animals. The response to supplementation of ASMM in terms of improvement in reproductive efficiency and general health was very good with an overall effectiveness of more than 70% with a cost-benefit ratio of 1:8. This technology was first commercialized with M/s. Karnataka Milk Federation (December 2006), followed by M/s. Nandi Agrovet, Bengaluru (April 2011), M/s. Vijayaratna Industries, Challakere (October 2019) and M/s. Vet Needs Labs, Bengaluru (April 2021). This technology is widely adopted in all the districts of Karnataka through the State Milk Federation and Animal Husbandry Department. Considering its adoption pattern and benefits accrued, the economic impact of the technology is estimated to be about Rs. 400 crore per year. As a testimony to this successful technology, after ten years of licencing, again M/s. Nandi Agrovet, Bengaluru has renewed its agreement on 27th August 2021. The non-exclusive agreement was signed between Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP and Mr. Sundar from M/s. Nandi Agrovet, Bengaluru in the presence of Dr Sudha Mysore, CEO, AgrInnovate. (Source: Director, ICAR-NIANP)


August, 2021

ICAR-NIANP signs agreement for hydroponic fodder production with M/s Hydro Greens Solutions

A standardized protocol was successfully developed for producing hydroponic fodder by Dr K Giridhar, Principal Scientist, ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru in collaboration with the start-up company, Hydro Greens Agri Solutions Pvt. Ltd, who designed the microclimate controlled growing chambers, as per the memorandum of understanding signed in 2019. The protocol consisted of optimized parameters such as seed rate for hydroponic trays, watering schedule, time of harvest of grain sprouts etc. M/s Hydro Greens, Bangalore came forward to adopt this protocol for their hydroponic machines and the agreement for licensing was signed by Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru and Mr. Vasanth Madhav Kamath, Director, M/s Hydro Greens Agri Solutions Pvt. Ltd. on 26 August 2021 at ICAR-NIANP, Bangalore. This protocol will be of excellent help to produce hydroponic fodder as a nutritive feed supplement to milch animals from grains such as maize, wheat, cowpea, horse gram etc. It will also be an effective contingency measure to overcome the problem of green fodder deficit during scarce periods or under adverse weather conditions like drought or floods.

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August, 2021

Applications are invited for the position of Young Professional-I

CAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru inviting application for the position of Young Professional-I purely on contract basis. Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the position

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July, 2021

Filling up the post of Personal Assistant on deputation basis at ICAR-NIANP, Bangalore-reg.

It is proposed to fill up one vacant post of Personal Assistant on deputation basis among the following eligible candidates working in ICAR Headquarters / ICAR Institutes..

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July, 2021

Filling up the vacant post of UDC at ICAR-NIANP, Bangalore-reg.

It is proposed to fill up one vacant post of UDC at this institute on Deputation / Absorption basis from eligible candidates working in ICAR Headquarters / ICAR Institutes.

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July, 2021

ICAR-NIANP organizes one day workshop on small ruminant farming

ICAR-NIANP in association with Department of Animal Husbandry (Govt. of Karnataka) and Krishi Vigyana Kendra (Hadonahalli, UAS, Bengaluru) organized one day technical workshop for progressive sheep and goat farmers on Improved methods of small ruminant farming for higher income at KVK, Hadonahalli on 27th July 2021. The workshop was attended by more than 125 progressive farmers. Scientists from ICAR-NIANP, Dr N K S Gowda & Dr S Anandan delivered lecture on Guidelines for feeding of sheep and goat and the use of milk replacer for reducing mortality and better growth of lambs/kids. Dr G M Nagaraj, Deputy Director of Department of Animal Husbandry (Bengaluru rural district) presented an overview of breeding and management of small ruminants and initiatives of Government for hygienic meat production. Dr Mallikarjuna Gowda, Head of KVK briefed the activities at their center and emphasized the importance of cultivating climate resilient green fodder varieties and fodder trees. The workshop evinced good interaction between the experts and farmers, especially the new fodder varieties and milk replacer technology for lambs/kids received greater attention.


July, 2021

हर मेड़ पर पेड़ organized at ICAR- National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology

As per the guidelines received from the Indian council of Agriculture Research, the ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology organised the tree plantation drive under the campaign ‘हर मेड़ पर पेड़’, on 16th July 2021. During the occasion, the saplings of Golden Melaleuca (Melaleuca bracteata) were planted in the Institute premises. The drive was organised under the guidance of Director, ICAR-NIANP Dr Raghavendra Bhatta and all the permanent and contractual staff attended the function.


July, 2021

Technical Webinar on 14th July 2021

Participants: Field Officers of Livestock sector Theme: Fodder & Farming Organized by ICAR-NIANP & IDA-South Zone Dr N K S Gowda, ICAR-NIANP Effective use of dry fodder in livestock farming Dr K Giridhar, ICAR-NIANP Improved green fodder cultivation and conservation You are cordially invited Meeting ID: 87647613749 Passcode: 658152 Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87647613749?pwd=K0Nkd2txRHJQb2tVTFhUYkZIWGJ2dz09

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July, 2021

Bharat Ka Amrut Mohatsav

ICAR-NIANP Organizes Technical Webinar for Field Officers on 14th July 2021 On the Occasion of 75th year of Indian Independence - Bharat Ka Amrut Mohatsav, ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru organized a technical webinar on the theme Fodder and Farming for the benefit of field officers of Animal Husbandry, KVKs and Milk Unions in Karnataka. Two technical presentations were made on ‘Improved green fodder production’ and ‘Effective use of dry fodder in feeding of livestock’ by Dr K Giridhar and Dr NKS Gowda, respectively. Totally 103 participants attended the webinar. Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP in his remarks highlighted the need for scientific feeding and ration balancing to improve productivity in livestock. The technical and interactive session was graced by Mr CP Charles, Chairman, IDA-SZ and Dr Ramachandra Bhat, Director, AH, KMF.


June, 2021


ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition & Physiology (NIANP), Bangalore is engaged in research activities in the field of Animal nutrition and physiology intends to dispose-off Sheep's b public Auction

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April, 2021

ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru commercializes the Area Specific Mineral Mixture (ASMM) technology

The Area Specific Mineral Mixture (ASMM) technology developed by the ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru has been commercialized to Vet Needs Labs, on a non-exclusive basis through the AgrInnovate India, on 24th April 2021 at the ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru. Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP and Sri B R Shivakumar, Proprietor, Vet Needs Labs signed the Memorandum of Agreement for the licensing to manufacture and sell the formulation in the presence of Dr. Sudha Mysore, CEO, Agrinnovate India and the NIANP team. The In charge, ITMU, Dr. Atul Kolte and the innovators of the technology, Dr. N.K.S. Gowda and Dr. D.T. Pal, were also present on the occasion. The Area Specific Mineral Mixture (ASMM) technology developed by ICAR-NIANP was earlier commercialized to Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF), Bangalore; Nandi Agro Vet. Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru, the Totgars Co-operative Sale Society Ltd., Uttar Kannada, Karnataka and Vijayarathna Industries. The impact of the technology has been estimated to be about Rs. 419 crores.


March, 2021

Dr Raghavendra Bhatta has been conferred the Fellowship of KSTA 2020

Dr Raghavendra Bhatta has been conferred the prestigious Fellowship of the Karnataka Science and Technology Academy 2020, Department of Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka. At a glittering function organized at KSTA on 2nd March, Dr Bhatta received the Fellowship from Hon. Deputy Chief Minister of Karnataka Dr CN Ashwathnarayan, Padma Vibhushan Prof. K Kasturirangan, former Chairman ISRO and the Chancellor of Central University of Rajasthan and NIIT University and Prof. S Ayyappan, Chairman, KSTA, Bengaluru.


March, 2021

ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru organizes Annual Review of Outreach Project on Methane

The Annual Review Meeting of Outreach Project on ‘Estimation of Methane Emission under Different Feeding Systems and Development of Mitigation Strategies’ for the year 2019-2020 was organized virtually on 1st March 2021 under the Chairmanship of Dr. B. N. Tripathi, Deputy Director General (Animal Science), ICAR, New Delhi. Dr. A. K. Tyagi, ADG (Animal Nutrition & Physiology) and Dr. Rajan Gupta, Principal Scientist, Animal Science Division, ICAR, New Delhi were also present during the review meeting. Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP and Project Coordinator welcomed the Chairman and participants and presented the overall progress of the project. He highlighted the inventory on enteric methane developed under the project. Earlier many agencies/researchers have used the IPCC country specific value on enteric methane emission, and it has resulted in the over estimation of the methane emission from India. Many anti-methanogenic products such as Harit Dhara, Tamarin Plus and Avibhattaika have been developed for reducing methane emission in ruminants. He highlighted that 4 patents have been filed and one has been granted. The principal investigators from the participating institutes/ universities NIANP, Bengaluru; CSWRI, Avikanagar; AAU, Anand; TANUVAS, Chennai and BAIF, Pune presented the progress of the work carried out at their centres. Dr. Tripathi appreciated the inventory on enteric methane developed under the project. He also praised the research work carried out under the project at different institutes and stressed upon the validation, dissemination and commercialization of the anti-methanogenic products developed under this project. He also emphasized the need to take up the impact studies under the field conditions and also extrapolate the methane emission for every 2-3 years using dynamic methane model developed by the lead centre NIANP.


February, 2021

Online Training Programme on ‘Feed and Fertility Management’ organized by ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru

The Online Training Programme on “Feed and Fertility Management” was organized by ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru from 21.1.2021 to 20.2.2021. The training was attended by 44 Field Veterinary Officers (including 9 ladies) from the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services, Govt. of Karnataka. The training comprised of six sessions of two lectures in each, covering different aspects of Nutritional management of fertility, Role Micronutrients, Novel approaches for green fodder production, Ration balancing tools, Basics of fertility and its improvement using Nutritional and Reproductive aided technologies in dairy animals. The Android version of Ration balancing software was demonstrated and shared to multiple users. The Guest lectures by eminent speakers on calf management and polyherbal approaches to overcome reproductive disorders were arranged. The advanced reproductive technologies for small ruminants and fertility improvement were also presented in this programme. The concluding session on 20.2.2021 was graced Dr Manjunath S Palegar, Additional Director, Dr P Srinivas, Joint Director from the Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services, Govt. of Karnataka and Presided by Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP. In his address he mentioned that such programmes were organized by the Institute earlier also, but due to Covid pandemic, this year it was decided to conduct it on-line. The month-long session-wise programme was coordinated by Dr N K S Gowda, Principal Scientist, ICAR-NIANP. The participants appreciated the training programme and suggested that these programme may be organized on a regular basis for the Veterinarians serving in the field. The next program will start within a couple of weeks and if the pandemic situation improves the Veterinarians will be invited to the Institute for one -day demonstration of technologies such as Azolla cultivation, sprout production, complete feed block, moringa/fodder tree cultivation etc.


February, 2021

ICAR-NIANP and the University of Melbourne jointly organize Australia-India Council (AIC) workshop

Second Australia-India Council workshop on “Transfer of Mitigation Technologies for Heat Stress in Farm Animals” was organized virtually by ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru in collaboration with the University of Melbourne, Australia. The inaugural workshop was held at ICAR-NIANP during Feb 5-7, 2020 at Bangalore which was attended by the Hon’ble Secretary DARE and DG ICAR Dr Trilochan Mohapatra and DDG (AS) Dr B. N. Tripathi and DDG (Fys.) Dr JK Jena. The second AIC workshop was held for two days between 18-19 Feb 2021. Totally 50 participants, 25 from Australian and 25 from Indian side attended the workshop. Professor Muthupandian Ashok kumar, Asst. Deputy Vice-Chancellor International University of Melbourne addressed the participants and in his opening remarks he highlighted various collaborative Initiatives University of Melbourne has taken with several IITs and various state universities in India. He signified the importance of collaboration with the Indian Council of Agricultural Research for working on cutting edge areas in agricultural sciences. Prof Brian Leury, Deputy Dean, School of Agriculture and Food, Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences, The University of Melbourne gave an overview of the facilities and ongoing research activities of the school. Prof Brian appreciated the efforts of Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences, The University of Melbourne and ICAR-NIANP for the productive collaborative efforts. He further urged both University of Melbourne and ICAR to go for collaboration in the field of climate change livestock production. Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director ICAR-NIANP also gave an overview on ICAR and ICAR-NIANP and explained about the ongoing research activities of the institute. In his remark he highlighted the research areas in animal nutrition and physiology for possible collaboration with University of Melbourne. The Director ICAR-NIANP also stressed on the need for applying for joint project proposals for common funding with international organizations. World renowned speakers Prof Tim Reeves, Prof Richard Eckard, Prof. Frank Dunshea, Dr Jeremy Cottrell from University of Melbourne; Prof John Gaughan from University of Queensland; Dr Thuy Nguyen, DATAGENE, AG VIC, Australia; Prof Cameron Clark, University of Sydney, Australia; and Dr. Fan Liu, Rivalea Australia Pvt Ltd, Australia shared their research experiences with the participants in the area of mitigation technologies for heat stress and enteric methane emission in farm animals. The researchers of the AIC project from ICAR-NIANP and from the University of Melbourne had a detailed discussion on various opportunities for further collaborate between the institutes. It was unanimously decided to put forth joint applications for a mega grant in the field of sustaining livestock production under the changing climate scenario.

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January, 2021

Cancellation of AMC For Computers, Printers, Laptops And Layer Switches

AMC For Computers, Printers, Laptops And Layer Switches tender has been cancelled due to administrative reason

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January, 2021

Foundation stones laid for the Infrastructure facilities at ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru

The Hon. DDG (AS), ICAR Dr BN Tripathi laid the foundation stone for the Farmers training cum student’s hostel and community hall at ICAR- National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology (NIANP), Bengaluru on 23rd January. The hostel will facilitate the students pursuing their masters and Ph. D. degree program at NIANP. The function was attended by all the staff members and retired staff of NIANP. Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director of the Institute presented an overview about the institute highlighting the various achievements, awards, recognitions, technology generated and commercialized. During this event 5 technical publications – Buffasol, a novel semen extender for buffaloes, AB Free, phytogenic blend as antibiotic replacement for poultry, nutritional package for fertility (in Kannada), a brochure on body condition score for goats, and NIANP calendar containing various farmer friendly advisories were released by Hon. DDG (AS). While complimenting the institute for the excellent research work carried out, papers published, technology generated, patent filed and technology commercialized, Dr BN Tripathi advised to organize brain storming sessions on challenges faced by the Animal Science sector. He appreciated the quality of the research publications of the Scientists and said efforts must be made to publish articles in high impact Journals. He advised that while preparing the vision documents few out of the box ideas may be suggested that may have relevance in future. He also suggested that NIANP may celebrate Silver Jubilee during 2021. He also visited the Centre for Climate Resilient Animal Adaptation Studies and discussed about the on-going research activity involving the comparison of various goat breeds for their climate resilience.


January, 2021

Annual Review Meeting of AICRP on “Nutritional and Physiological Interventions for Enhancing Reproductive Performance in Animals” held on 18th January 2021

The Annual Review Meeting of AICRP on “Nutritional and Physiological Interventions for Enhancing Reproductive Performance in Animals” was held on 18th January 2021. The review meeting was conducted online under the Chairmanship of Dr B N Tripathi, Hon. DDG (Animal Sciences), ICAR, New Delhi. Dr A K Tyagi, ADG (AN&P), ICAR, Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP and Coordinator, Dr Rajan Gupta, Principal Scientist, ICAR, Principal Investigators of all 11 AICRP centers participated in the meeting. Director, ICAR-NIANP welcomed the dignitaries and Principal Investigators and Co- Principal Investigators of all the participating centers and made a brief presentation of salient achievements of AICRP in the last six years and future plan of action. Dr B N Tripathi in his inaugural address appreciated the very good work done by the centers and complimented the Director, ICAR-NIANP and the Principal Investigators of the centers. He emphasized the importance of Nutrition and Physiology as a National priority for economic benefits of livestock farmers and stressed the need of translation research, complete package of practices and technology adoption. Dr AK Tyagi highlighted the outcome and technologies developed under the ongoing AICRP. The Principal Investigator of lead center (ICAR-NIANP) and 10 participating centers made presentation on the progress of work and outcome for the year 2019-20 and was reviewed and discussed in detail. In the concluding remarks DDG (AS) stressed the need to revisit our objectives and bring commonality to achieve the set target. Director, ICAR-NIANP thanked DDG (AS), ADG (AN&P) and all the Scientists for their participation and providing useful inputs.


January, 2021

Tender Extension

Extension tender notice, tender documents for procurement of Rubber Mats for Cow.

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January, 2021


ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition & Physiology (NIANP), Bangalore is engaged in research activities in the field of Animal nutrition and physiology intends to dispose-off Birds (Layer Chicken) b Public Auction.

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December, 2020

Tender Cancellation Notice

Tender for Housekeeping/Manpower published in the newspapers vide Advertisement.No.1/NIANP/CDN/Aug/2020, dated:27-09-2020 and uploaded in the CPP Portal vide Tender ID No.2020_DARE_585064_1, dated: 19-09-2020, is treated as cancelled due to some administrative reasons.

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November, 2020

ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru Celebrated 25th Foundation Day

ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru celebrated Silver Jubilee Foundation Day on 24th November 2020. Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, in a small function, presented Institutional awards for the employees and special recognition to the employees and workers, who contributed to the Institute functioning during the Covid19 pandemic lockdown. A special webinar that was presided over by Dr. Trilochan Mohaparta, Secretary DARE and Director General ICAR, in the presence of Dr B N Tripathi, Deputy Director General AS) and Dr AK Tyagi, Assistant Director General (A&P) was organized online. Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, NIANP made a brief presentation about the growth and development of the Institute. DDG (AS) in his address complimented the Institute for its excellent work, advised to further work on feed resources and tackling the challenges of livestock reproduction under field conditions. While congratulating NIANP for his great achievements in terms of the technology, product and patents, DG, ICAR advised for acceleration in translation of research findings into viable technologies and for setting up ‘global benchmark in research’. He further added that the Centre for Laboratory Animal Research (CLAR) facility at NIANP should be recognized as accredited centre for bioavailability studies in the country. He emphasized the need to take-up research work new Frontier areas such as ‘Nutrigenomics’ and to strengthen the capacity building programme using digital platform. On this occasion, the Foundation Day Lecture was delivered by Prof Rattan Lal, Recipient of The World Food Prize 2020, a Distinguished University Professor of Soil Science and Director, Carbon Management and Sequestration Centre, The Ohio State University. Columbus, USA. Prof Lal addressed the gathering on the topic Integrating Livestock with Crops and Trees for Climate-Smart Agriculture in India”. He highlighted the significance of integrated approach to sustain animal agricultural in India and pointed out that the country’s richest animal genetic resources provide the opportunity for future production sustenance. Prof. Lal stressed the importance of reducing non-productive animals in the country and suggested that the research efforts should be oriented in meeting the requirement with a smaller number of productive animals. Further, he emphasised that efforts must be made to stop the burning of crop residues. He highlighted the importance of enriching the fertility of soil and opined that this is a crucial measure to feed the largest livestock population in the country. He suggested that whatever we take it from the soil must go back to the soil and he related it with livestock production by urging the application of dung as manure to enrich the fertility of the soil so that more crops can be cultivated as fodder for livestock. He emphasized that this could be a useful approach for effective carbon sequestration and efficient measure for improving the soil quality. In addition, Prof Lal has signified the role of plant breeders to identify climate resilient plant varieties to ensure sustainable animal agriculture. He also urged the importance of efficient use of water resources and stressed that only optimum water requirement is necessary for agriculture rather than over flooding the agricultural land which predominantly gets wasted. Finally, he highlighted the importance of policy development for sustaining animal agriculture through integrated approach involving, soil, crop and animal component. The online webinar was also attended by Dr K Pradhan former VC, Dr ML Madan former DDG and VC, Dr Krishna Kumar former DDG, Dr H Rahman, former DDG, Dr Saseendranath, VC, KVASU, Dr Kusumakar Sharma, Dr BS Prakash, former ADGs, Founder Director of NIANP Dr Khub Singh, former Directors of NIANP Dr KT Sampath, Dr CS Prasad, Dr Bhaskar, ADG (AAFCC), directors of animal science Institutes Dr Arun Tomar, CSWRI, Dr SB Barbuddhe, NRC Meat, Dr RK Mathur IIOPR, Former Directors Dr Abraham Verghese, Dr Chandish Ballal, Dr Hegde, Prof. Eva Schlecht, and Prof A. Buerkert from University of Gottingen & Kassel, Germany, Dr Vinicius Fonseca from Brazil, Directors and Heads of various Bengaluru based ICAR Institutes, Students and Faculty from KVASU, Kerala and RIVER, Pondicherry.

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November, 2020

Cancellation of tenders due to administrative reason

The mentioned tenders have been cancelled due to administrative reason

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November, 2020

Two of ICAR-NIANP Scientists are listed in world’s top 2% scientist list

According to a study published by Stanford University researchers Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators published in PLoS Biology journal, 32 scientists from Indian Council of Agricultural Research were featured in the list. Two scientists from ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology (ICAR-NIANP) Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP and Dr. Veerasamy Sejian, Senior Scientist are among the top 2 percent scientists’ in the world. This large database created by experts at Stanford University based on data from Scopus that ranks journals and gives a citation index. These include information on the number of citations, H -Index, co-authorship and a composite indicator. The results were published in the October 2020 issue of PloS Biology and the study classifiedresearchers from 22 scientific fields and 176 sub-fields. ICAR-NIANP feel proud to congratulate eminent scientists for their achievement that came on the Silver Jubilee Year of establishment of the Institute. The entire list created by Stanford University and released recently in the journal PLOS and can be accessed at this link:https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.3000918

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October, 2020


ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition & Physiology (NIANP), Bangalore is engaged in research activities in the field of Animal nutrition and physiology intends to dispose-off sheep's, old items and wood by Public Auction on 19-11-2020

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October, 2020

Proforma for Declaration of Income Tax

Proforma for Declaration of Income Tax for the FY 2020-21

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September, 2020

Implement a project for ISO 9001:2015 Certification for institute services

For and on behalf of the Secretary, ICAR, the Director, ICAR-NIANP invites bids through online (e-tenders) under Two Bid System (Technical and Financial Bid) on the prescribed forms Annexure I & II, for providing consultancy services to ICAR-NIANP for obtaining ISO 9001:2015 certifications for the first phase of implementation of the Institute-wide ISO 9001 implementation. This document provides the scope, pre-qualification criteria, bidding terms and conditions and suggested response formats.


September, 2020

Applications are invited for the position of Senior Research Fellow

Applications are invited for the position of Senior Research Fellow (1 no.) under the time bound AICRP project entitled “Nutritional and physiological interventions for enhancing reproductive performance in animals”. This recruitment is subjected to terms and conditions in force in ICAR for such appointments. General ICAR guidelines for contractual employment will be applicable. The appointment is purely on temporary basis and there is no provision of absorption/re-employment in NIANP/ICAR after termination of the project. The service of person who is engaged, will be automatically stand terminated with the termination of the project without assigning any reason thereof. Interested candidates have to apply STRICTLY IN THE PRESCRIBED FORMAT GIVEN BELOW along with their complete C.V., e-mail ID, Skype ID, fax numbers, telephone numbers (along with scanned copies of their credentials) on or before 15-09-2020 to the Principal Investigator of the project, Dr. N.K.S. Gowda, Principal Scientist at nksgowda@rediffmail.com. Apart from sending application in the prescribed format given below, candidates should send complete Curriculum Vitae along with the names of three referees. Only Short listed candidates will be informed through mail/ phone for attending the interview through online / personal scheduled to be held on 24-09-2020 from 11.00 AM at ICAR-NIANP, Bangalore. Selected candidates would be informed through mail / phone. The candidates will not be paid any TA/DA and will have to make their own arrangements for travel, stay etc. for attending the interview. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification. Candidates selected for SRF will be allowed to pursue Ph. D under Jain University, Bengaluru with prescribed terms and conditions.

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July, 2020

On-the-go Urea Solution Spraying System for Straw Baler

The crop residues are produced in huge quantities every year in India. These are utilized very poorly by the livestock. Further, the problem of on-farm burning of crop residues is increasing day by day, due to mechanisation in harvesting of cereals crops, shortage of human labour, cost of conventional methods of crop residues management and sowing of the succeeding crop. These straws (rice and wheat) can be better utilized by treating with urea solution, which is generally done manually in conventional practice. But it requires lot of time, labour and storage area. To overcome these problems, a highly innovative urea solution spraying system on straw baler (rectangular type) has been developed. In an Inter-Institutional project mode, the scientists of the ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru (Dr S.B.N Rao and Dr M. Chandrasekharaiah) and the scientists of ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh (Er. S.P. Kumar, Dr. Dilip Jat), were involved in developing this Urea Solution Spraying System to pre-treat paddy straw during the baling operation. This machine sprays urea solution during bailing of the straw under field conditions. The developed system consists of a plastic tank, spray boom with flat fan nozzles, HTTP pump, hose pipe, strainer, pressure relief valve and pressure gauge. The system has been used for on-the-go spraying of urea solution on loose straw during conveying to the compression chamber of baler. The discharge rate of urea solution is adjusted with the help of a pressure relief valve of the pump. The developed system has been evaluated in paddy and wheat straw fields and also demonstrated at the farmer’s field. The urea solution having concentration of 8% (8 kg of urea in 100 litres of water) was prepared. The average weight of paddy bales was found to be increased in the range of 45% to 50% after treatment. The working capacity of straw baler with urea spraying system was observed 109 bales/h for paddy at straw load of 8.3 t/ha. The Urea treated bales were wrapped in polyethylene sheet and kept for three weeks for curing. The nutritive value of the straw like crude protein, in vitro dry matter digestibility and metabolizable energy was found to be improved as compared to the untreated straw. The crude protein, metabolizable energy and in vitro dry matter digestibility in urea treated paddy straw was found to be increased to 85%, 3.4% and 6.3 %, respectively as compared to the untreated straw. The cost of retrofitted Urea Solution Spraying System is Rs. 30,000/-. The cost of urea treatment with a developed spraying system is Rs. 0.50/- per kg of straw. This machine can be a viable alternative to prevent stubble burning after harvesting there by reducing environmental pollution especially in northern parts of India apart from value addition in terms of improving the nutritive value of poor-quality straws for feeding of livestock.

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July, 2020

Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award to Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta

The 92nd foundation day and award ceremony of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research was organized in New Delhi on Thursday, 16th July 2020. Contributions from various institutes, scientists and staff of the ICAR were acknowledged by various awards. Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru bagged the prestigious Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award for outstanding research in the field of Animal Science for the year 2019. Dr Bhatta’s main work is on the enteric methane emission from Indian Livestock and its amelioration. Shri Narendra Singh Tomar, the Union Minister for Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, was the chief guest, Shri Parshottam Rupala and Shri Kailash Choudhary, Ministers of State for Agriculture & Farmers Welfare respectively, were the guests of honour on the occasion. Secretary DARE and DG of ICAR, Dr T Mohapatra, gave a brief account of the ICAR and its achievements.

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July, 2020

Postpone of tender opening July 2020

All the tenders to be opened are postponed due to lock-down announced by G.O.K, the date of opening the tender will be intimated later through our institute website.


June, 2020

E-Tender for Annual Job/Work/Service Contract for providing Security Services at ICAR-NIANP

Tender Notice for For Annual Job/Work/Service Contract for providing Security Services(Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on 06-06-2020 at 11:00 AM.

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May, 2020

Applications are invited for the position of Senior Research Fellow

Applications are invited for the position of Senior Research Fellow under the time bound NASF project entitled “Targeted immobilization of Y-bearing spermatozoa and modulation of oviduct milieu for skewing sex ration towards offspring in dairy cattle”. This recruitment is subjected to terms and conditions in force in ICAR for such appointments. There is no provision of absorption / re-employment in ICAR-NIANP / ICAR after termination of the project. The services of person, who is engaged, will automatically stand terminated with the termination of the project without assigning any reason thereof. Interested candidates for the said positions may mail their resumes to rajnutri@gmail.com on or before 30-05-2020. Short listed candidates will be informed through mail / phone for attending the interview through online or personal scheduled to be held on 03-06-2020 from 11.00 AM at ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru. Selected candidates would be informed by e-mail / phone.

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May, 2020

Applications are invited for the position of two Senior Research Fellows

Applications are invited for the position of two Senior Research Fellows (one each) under the MDR&EP (Outreach programme on “Monitoring of Drug Residues and Environmental Pollutants”) and CRP (Consortia for Research Platform (CRP) – Biofortification) projects. This recruitment is subjected to terms and conditions in force in ICAR for such appointments. There is no provision of absorption / re-employment in ICAR-NIANP / ICAR after termination of the project. The services of person who is engaged, will automatically stand terminated with the termination of the project without assigning any reason thereof. Interested candidates may send their bio-data (along with scanned copies of their credentials) by e-mail to SB.Rao@icar.gov.in) on or before 20-05-2020. Short listed candidates will be informed through mail / phone for attending the Skype interview scheduled to be held on 30-05-2020.

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March, 2020

Senior Research Fellow

Applications are invited for the post of Senior Research Fellow (2 nos.) under the ICAR sponsored project on “Estimation of methane emission under different feeding systems and development of mitigation strategies”. This recruitment is subjected to terms and conditions in force in ICAR for such appointments. General ICAR guidelines for contractual employment will be applicable. The appointment is purely on temporary basis and there is no provision of absorption/re-employment in NIANP/ICAR after termination of the project. The service of person who is engaged, will be automatically stand terminated with the termination of the project without assigning any reason thereof. Interested candidates for the said position may send their bio-data to the Principal Investigator, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Malik, Senior Scientist through email at malikndri@gmail.com on or before 25-03-2020. The short listed candidates will be intimated through E mail / phone for attending the interview on 10-04-2020 at 10.00 AM in the committee room at ICAR-NIANP, Bangalore. The candidates will not be paid any TA/DA and will have to make their own arrangements for travel, stay etc. for attending the interview.

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February, 2020

World Veterinary Poultry Association (India) Conference 2020 held at ICAR-NIANP

The World Veterinary Poultry Association (India) has organized its first annual conference at ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru on 28th Feb 2020. The theme of the national conference was Advances in Poultry Science for One Health. Total 279 delegates from the research institutes, universities, poultry industry and students attended this conference. Prof S Abdul Rahman, Executive Director and Past President Commonwealth Veterinary Association was the chief guest of the inaugural function and in his address, he highlighted the importance of anti-microbial resistance, zoonotic diseases, climate change and animal welfare in the present scenario. The Chairman of the organizing committee and Director of the ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bangalore Dr Raghavendra Bhatta welcomed the delegates. In his address, mentioned that ICAR-NIANP is celebrating its Silver Jubilee Celebration during 2020. During this year, a series of programme have been planned and this conference is one of them. He also highlighted the achievements of the institute during the last 25 years in some of the niche areas of research such as in-vovo nutrition in poultry, climate change, stem cell research, embryo sexing, male and female reproduction in addition to many farmer friendly technologies developed and commercialized. Dr Jitendra Verma, the President of the WVPA (I) gave a brief about the genesis of the association and its future. Dr Shirish Nigam, the Secretary of the WVPA (I), felicitated the guests and gave an overview about the activities of the WVPA (I). Few global and several national experts have attended this conference to deliberate on the following sub themes: Poultry breeding and genetics, Biotic and abiotic stress and welfare, Gut health, feed additives and management, Disease surveillance and biosecurity, Emerging diseases of poultry and flock health, Autogenous & Recombinant vaccinology and Developments in poultry products technology. As a part of Science day celebration, a poster session was also held and best three posters were selected, and student awardees were felicitated during the function. Dr V Sejian was the Organizing Secretary of the WVPA (I) conference.


February, 2020

State -of-the-art facilities inaugurated at ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru

During the Silver Jubilee Year of ICAR-NIANP, Bangalore the state of the art “Centre for Laboratory Animal Studies and Centre for Climate Resilient Animal Adaptation Studies” were inaugurated by the Hon’ble Dr Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary DARE and the DG, ICAR on 5th Feb 2020. The DDG (AS) Dr BN Tripathi and DDG (Fy.) Dr JK Jena graced the occasion. The Centre for Laboratory Animal Studies (BSL II) built with a cost of about seven crores, has the capacity for housing about 7000 lab animals such as rat, mice, rabbit and hamsters. These will be used for the investigations on bioavailability of nutrients, stem cell biology, stress models and for breeding and supply of laboratory animals to other organizations. Built with an estimated cost of about two crores, the “Centre for Climate Resilient Animal Adaptation Studies” has twenty-four micro-climatic controlled chambers, with 12 for thermo-neutral zone and 12 for heating/cooling. These chambers will be used for the quantification of epigenetic changes associated with climate change in small ruminants, pathway analysis study for heat stress etc. On the same day Hon. DG also inaugurated the Indo-Australian International workshop on “Transfer of mitigation technologies for heat stress in farm animals”. This function was attended by all NIANP staffs in addition to 30 participants from all over India and heads of all ICAR institutes at Bangalore. Four delegates from University of Melbourne, Australia were also participating in the workshop. During the inauguration, Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director of the institute gave an overview about the Indo-Australian workshop. The DDG (Fy.) in his address insisted on effectively utilizing these facilities for the ongoing research program on climate change and livestock production. DDG (AS) released the research highlights on “Climate resilient goat production: current scenario and way forward” and appreciated the efforts of ICAR-NIANP particularly in the area of climate resilient livestock production. Dr Trilochan Mohapatra after releasing the workshop compendium, appreciated the progress made by ICAR-NIANP and insisted on taking the institute forward towards an international arena. He has urged the significance of developing ICAR-NIANP as an “Global Institute of Excellence in frontier areas of Animal Nutrition and Physiology”. He signified the importance of developing a blueprint of targeted breeds and build appropriate program for achieving the targets. He also encouraged the scientists to go for international collaborations and go for multi disciplinary approach to find solution for climate resilient livestock production.


January, 2020

Cell Culture Incubator with Accessories

ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition & Physiology (NIANP), Bangalore is a public funded research organization under Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India. For and on behalf of the Secretary, ICAR, the Director, National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bangalore invites bids in online through e-tenders

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January, 2020

Accessibility of public documents on Government websites

Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India has issued OM No. 18(3)/2018-E-lnfra (Pt.) dated 26.12.2019 regarding accessibility of public documents on Government websites. The above mentioned OM has been uploaded on the ICAR website www.icar.org.in and e-office for necessary action.

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December, 2019

MoS for Agriculture, Govt. of India Shri. Parshottam Khodabhai Rupala visits ICAR-NIANP, Bangalore

MoS for Agriculture, Govt. of India Shri. Parshottam Khodabhai Rupala visited ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bangalore on 22-23rd December 2019. Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, NIANP explained the activities of the Institute, the various farmer friendly technologies the institute has developed and their commercialized. Hon. Minister showed keen interest about the various activities and complimented the Director and the Scientists. He also visited the fodder production area. After seeing the spineless cactus plot, he emphasized the need to popularize this among the farmers because of its climate resilience and very less water requirement. He also discussed about the issue of feeding of livestock and the need for taking research on climate resilient livestock production system. Hon. Minister also planted a sapling as a part of Swachchta Pakhwda in the campus


December, 2019

ICAR-NIANP, Organized Off-Campus NAARM Training Programme for Technical Staff of ICAR Institutes

A Seven-day Off-campus Training Programme on “Motivation, Positive Thinking and Communication Skills” for Technical Staff (T-1 to T-4) of ICAR was held from 05th – 11th December, 2019 at ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru in collaboration with ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research and Management, Hyderabad with objective of motivating the technical staff for their growth and development. The training programme started on 11th December, 2019 with 19 participants from various ICAR institutes of the country. The training mainly focused on positive thinking on role and responsibilities of technical staff in Agricultural Research System, motivation and effective communication and presentation techniques. Further, lectures were delivered on topics such as personality profiling, positive attitude in personality development, interpersonal relationship and team building. The most of lectures were delivered along with paracticals and the experts were from ICAR-NAARM. Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP distributed the participation certificate to the trainees during the valedictory function. In his address he complimented the participants for their enthusiastic involvement in the training programme. Further, he appreciated the initiative of ICAR-NAARM for the off-campus training programme and added that this type of training programmes could be acquired in the beginning of career which may improve their confidence and working capacity in Agricultural Research System. Dr MA Basith and Mrs G Aneeja were the course Directors from ICAR-NAARM, Hyderabad and Dr G Krishnan was course coordinator from ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru.


December, 2019

Transfer on permanent absorption basis, Skilled Supporting Staff and Lower Division Clerk working in all the ICAR units

It is hereby bought to the notice of all the interested Skilled Supporting Staff and Lower Division Clerk working in all the ICAR units (including ICAR headquarters / ICAR Research Institutes / Bureaus / complexes / Project Directorates / AICRPs / ICAR-managed KVKs) that the following posts currently lying vacant at ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru are hereby circulated to the eligible Skilled Supporting Staff and Lower Division Clerk of all ICAR unit willing to apply for transfer on permanent absorption basis at ICAR-NIANP

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November, 2019

Young Professional-I

B.Sc in Biology/Zology/Life Sciences/Biotechnology

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November, 2019

National Milk Day organized at ICAR-NIANP

The ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru hosted the National Milk Day on 26th November 2019 in collaboration with IDA, South Zone and Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF). On this occasion one day technical seminar on the theme ‘Farmer friendly technologies and Quality milk production’ was also organized for the progressive dairy farmers. More than 400 dairy farmers participated in the event. Shri B C Sateesh, Managing Director, KMF and Chief Guest inaugurated the function. Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP was the guest of honor. Shri C P Charles, Chairman of IDA South Zone presided over the function and Dr N K S Gowda, Secretary coordinated the event. Ten exhibition stalls were displayed, and eight lectures were presented by eminent speakers on different aspects of dairy production and quality milk production. Dr D N Hegde, Director, Animal Husbandry, KMF delivered the plenary lecture highlighting the various measures taken for clean milk production and to provide quality milk to consumers.


November, 2019

Foundation day celebration at ICAR-NIANP

ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology celebrated its 24th Foundation day on 25th November 2019. Shri Dilip Rath, Chairmain, NDDB, Anand, Gujarat was the chief guest and Prof. Vishnu Sharma, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, RAJUVAS, Bikaner was the Guest of Honor. The program started with ICAR song and Director NIANP Dr Raghavendra Bhatta welcomed the guests and made a short presentation on the institute’s progress. The chief guest Shri Dilip Rath released the publication entitled “Protocols for the animal experiments under institutional animal ethics committee”. During his address, he signified the importance of addressing the fodder deficit especially with the increasing population trends of livestock as per latest livestock census. He also urged during his presentation the need for NDDB to collaborate with ICAR-NIANP and other relevant institutes to meet this huge future fodder demand for dairy animals. The guest of honor Vishnu Sharma released the pamphlet entitled “Farmers friendly enteric methane amelioration approaches” both in English and Hindi. During his address, he highlighted the significance of setting up a National Advisory Services on animal nutrition at ICAR-NIANP to disseminate information pertaining to feed and fodder resources. He also signified the importance of collaboration between ICAR-NIANP and other institutes and State Agricultural Universities in the field of Animal Nutrition. All the retired employees and best workers in scientific, technical and supportive categories during the year 2018-19 were felicitated during the function. The firm which adopted the ICAR-NIANP technologies were also felicitated during the function. The function was attended by scientists from SRS-NDRI, NDDB and other sister ICAR institutes at Bangalore.


November, 2019

Annual Review Meeting of AICRP on Nutrition – Reproduction organized at OUAT, Bhubaneswar

The Annual Review Meeting of All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on “Nutritional and Physiological Approaches to Enhance Reproductive Performance in Animals” was held at OUAT, Bhubaneswar on 16th November 2019. During the inaugural function, Dr R C Patra, Dean of Research, OUAT welcomed the dignitaries and delegates. Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP and Programme Coordinator of AICRP briefed the salient achievements of AICRP and thanked the Vice Chancellor of OUAT for hosting the meeting. Dr Ashok Kumar, ADG (Health and AN & P), ICAR emphasized the importance of nutrition in addressing the infertility causes of non-infectious origin. Dr. P K Agrawal, Vice Chancellor, thanked ICAR for choosing OUAT for the review meeting and appreciated the concept of networking the expertise across the country through AICRP programme. Dr J K Jena, DDG (Animal Sciences and Fisheries), ICAR released the Annual Report of AICRP and highlighted the importance of technology generation and refinement to address the problems in livestock underfield conditions. Dr Jena appreciated the good work done under this programme and opined that performing centres are to be rewarded as model for other centres. Dr L K Babu, Dean of Veterinary college graced the function and presented an overall livestock scenario of Orissa state. Principal Investigators from 12 centres and Dr Rajan Gupta from ICAR Head Quarters participated in the meeting. Dr R K Swain, Principal Investigator of OUAT centre proposed the Vote of thanks. Work done by the centres was reviewed under the Chairmanship of DDG (Animal Sciences), ICAR.


October, 2019

Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week-2019

The Vigilance Awareness Week was observed at ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru from 28th October to 2nd November 2019. All the staffs of ICAR-NIANP (permanent, contractual, JRF, SRF, RA, students) assembled in the institute auditorium on 28.10.2019 and took the pledge for “Integrity– A Way of Life” as administered by the Director on 28th October 2019 at 10.30AM. Before the pledge, Director addressed the gathering and signified the importance of preventing the corruption in office work to keep the institute and thus the country corruption free. He also mentioned the importance of integrity in workplace for smooth functioning of organization. Director of the Institute addressing the institute staff for importance of Vigilance Awareness Week and administering pledge on Integrity – A Way of Life on 28th October 2019


October, 2019

Young Professional - I

B.Sc in Biology/Zology/Life Sciences/Biotechnology

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October, 2019


testing testing testing testing


October, 2019

ICAR sponsored winter school concludes at NIANP, Bengaluru

The ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru has organized ICAR sponsored 21 days Winter School on “Livestock Production and Climate Change: Impact, Adaptation and Mitigation” from 24 September to 14 October 2019. Total twenty-one including eight female participants from seven states have participated in the training program. During the training program, total 38 theory lectures on various aspects such as stress, methane emission, impact of climate change on male and female reproduction, feed quality and biomass yield, emergeing feed resources, microclimatic alterations, feeding during clamatities, shelter management were delivered. In addition, presentations on metagenomic approaches in exploring the rumen microbial diversity were also arranged. For the demonstration purpose and hands on training, 10 practicals on methane measurement techniques, IPCC based estimation, microbial diversity and bioinformatic analysis were arranged in the afternoon. Total seven faculties from outside the institute covering different aspects delivered the lectures during training program. Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP & Course Director stressed upon the need for precise estimation of methane emission from Indian livestock and developing the region and season specific mitgation strategies. He suggested that a policy decision may be taken to include plant based anti-methanogenic component in all the compound feed manufactured in India. Dr. Suresh S. Honnappagol, Former Commissioner, AH&D, Govt. of India graced the function as Cheif guest. In his speech, Dr. Honnappagol appreciated the efforts of the institute in addressing the burning issue of climate change and urged for the field-based implementation of established mitigation approaches. He complimented the idea of anti-methanogenic compound feed and said he will discuss the issue with CLFMA and NDDB in this regard. He has advised to do the impact analysis of the training programme. Dr. A. P. Kolte, Scientist, NIANP proposed the vote of thanks. Dr PK Malik, Dr V Sejian and Dr AP Kolte were the course coordinators


October, 2019

Secretary (AHD), Govt. of India Shri. Atul Chaturvedi, IAS visits ICAR- NIANP, Bangalore

The secretary, AHD, Govt. of India, Shri Atul Chaturvedi, IAS, visited ICAR- National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bangalore on 7th October, 2019. Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director of the Institute made a brief presentation on the activities of the institute. He explained about the salient achievements of the institute, on -going projects, patent granted and technologies commercialized. The Secretary (AHD) appreciated the contribution of the Institute in terms of the farmer friendly technology developed and commercialization of technologies. He mentioned that out of the four approaches for doubling the farmers income viz. disease control, breed improvement, feeding, and processing, value addition & marketing, the feeding of livestock plays an important role. He emphasized the need for research on reducing the cost of poultry feed and approaches for doubling the farmers income in terms efficient feeding of livestock. He also had interaction with other Scientists of the Institute.


September, 2019

Model training programme concludes at ICAR- NIANP, Bengaluru

A Model Training Course on “Integrated Nutrient Management Strategies for Smallholder Crop Livestock Production System” sponsored by Directorate of Extension, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, New Delhi was held from 12-19th September 2019 at ICAR- National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru for extension functionaries, working in agriculture and allied departments of states in the country. Seventeen participants from various States attended the training program. The training program designed with both lectures and practical classes focused on i) Improved methods of fodder production and conservation ii) Alternate feed resources and technologies for their safe use in livestock feeding iii) Mineral supplementation technologies iv) Ration balancing tools for ruminant animals feeding v) Integrated poultry nutrition and production system vi) Micro-climate modification for enhancing performance of dairy cattle vii) Nutrient management strategies – Bypass nutrients for sustainable livestock production viii) Management of ruminants production during stresses ix) Fish as a component of integrated farming x) Intensive feeding of sheep for mutton production etc. Dr. DT Pal was the Course Director and Dr. Anjumoni Mech and Dr. G Letha Devi were the course coordinators. In his address to participants, Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP highlighted the importance of nutrient management in feeding of livestock for improving their efficiency of production. While describing the various technologies developed by the Institute, he stressed on the crucial role of field Veterinarians and extension officers for the effective transfer of technologies among the livestock farmers. He mentioned that by adoption of technologies famers would be able to double their income. Dr D.N. Hegde, Director, Animal Husbandry, Karnataka Milk Federation was the Chief Guest and Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP presided during the valedictory function. After distributing the participation certificates, Dr. D. N. Hegde, highlighted the need for field application and propagation of effective technologies among farmers to improve the productivity of livestock. In his address, he mentioned that KMF got tremendous benefits from the technology of NIANP such as area-specific mineral mixture which has been adopted in large scale in Karnataka state and advised to the participants to adopt the same technology in their respective states. With his vast experience, he apprised the benefits of some more technologies for improving the livestock productivity.


September, 2019

Model Training Course

Model Training Course on Integrated Nutrient Management Strategies for Smallholder crop Livestock Production System(12 to 19 September 2019)- Over decades, contribution of agriculture to GDP has been on a decline but contributions of livestock have been on a rise. Agriculture production has been stressed due to vagaries of climate and non-remunerative minimum support prices. Unlike crop production systems livestock provides regular money flow and helps farmers to meet their daily needs. National Agricultural Research System (NARS) provides models of farming system for different types of socioeconomic and bio-physical settings combining all their technologies in a package with focus on farm income. This would involve combining technology and best practices covering production, protection and post-harvest value addition for each sub systems. Economical livestock farming requires adoption of scientific management practices. Feeding accounts for more than 70% of recurring cost of production and besides quantity, quality of diet is very critical. The nutrient requirement in terms of protein, energy, amino acids and minerals need to be precisely met to achieve maximum production. Balancing of nutrients and supplementation of most critical nutrients can achieve enhancing the gut bioavailability of nutrients and minimizing the fecal and urinary losses. This approach will have a positive effect not only on productive efficiency and also helps in environmental protection. High yielding animal under goes several physiological and environmental stresses that need to be addressed for optimizing production. Genetic make up in animals plays an important role in stress tolerance. Precise supplementary nutrition would promote better gene nutrient interaction and help in ameliorating stress. Sufficient information is available on the above subjects and there is an urgent need to translate them into adoption by end users. Keeping this in view, this model training course is designed to cater to the need of teachers/researchers and extension workers in ICAR / Agriculture /Veterinary Universities and Krishi Vigyana Kendras.

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September, 2019

Annual Review of Outreach Project organized at NASC, New Delhi on 9th September 2019

Annual Review of Outreach Project on “Estimation of Methane Emission under Different Feeding Systems and Development of Mitigation Strategies” was organized on 9th September 2019 at the NASC, New Delhi. Dr. J. K. Jena, Deputy Director General (Fisheries and Animal Science) chaired the meeting and reviewed the progress of project. Dr. Ashok Kumar, ADG & Dr. Rajan Gupta, PS, ICAR, New Delhi were also present during the review meeting. Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, NIANP, Bengaluru & Project Coordinator appraised about the genesis of project and salient achievements. During the meeting annual report for the year 2018-19 and a brochure reflecting the research highlights and achievements of the project were released. Principal investigators from the participating institutes presented the research progress. Dr. Jena appreciated the research work carried out by the participating centres under the project and expressed satisfaction about the patents filed, publications and products developed for the amelioration of enteric methane from Indian livestock. He complimented the attempts made by lead centre NIANP in developing the state wise database on enteric methane emission from livestock. Dr. Ashok Kumar suggested for the demonstration of developed technologies at the field level. The committee was of the opinion that project should be continued for another five years for updating the methane database and developing the season and region-specific ameliorative measures as well field evaluation of the developed products. At the end, Dr. Rajan Gupta proposed the vote of thanks


August, 2019

Income tax proforma -2019-20

Income tax deduction from salary for the financial year 2019-20 -reg

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August, 2019

Two technologies of ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bangalore commercialized

Two technologies, the Area Specific Mineral Mixture (ASMM) and Sheep and Goat Mineral Mixtures developed by the ICAR -National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bangalore, have been commercialized. The ASMM technology was earlier commercialized to i) Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF), Bangalore, ii) Nandi Agro Vet. Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore and iii) The Totgars Co-operative Sale Society Ltd., Uttar Kannada, Karnataka. The impact of this technology has been estimated to be about Rs. 419 crores. ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bangalore has been granted patent on Mineral Mixture as Nutrients for Small Ruminants (Patent No 294494).These mineral mixtures are formulated based on the specific mineral requirements of sheep and goat to meet 100% requirement of most deficient trace minerals and partially meet the requirement of other minerals, with a consideration that remaining is to be met through feed and fodder offered to animals. The interaction of minerals such as the synergistic action of calcium, phosphorus and antagonistic action of copper and sulfur were also considered while formulating mineral mixture. The products are very useful in improving the productive efficiency and general health in small ruminants. The technology is cost-effective, sustainable, adoptable and environment-friendly. The Sheep and Goat Mineral Mixture technology was earlier commercialized to i) Nandi Agro Vet. Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore ii) Kamdhenu Feeds, Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh iii) Shakthi Feeds, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh Now both ASMM and Sheep and Goat Mineral Mixture technologies were commercialized to Sri Vijayarathna Industries, on non-exclusive basis through Agrinnovate India, New Delhi on 17th and 24th August 2019, respectively at ICAR-NIANP, Bangalore. The Memorandum of Agreement for licensing to manufacture and sell the formulation was signed between Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP and Mrs. Chakka Padma, Proprietor, Sri Vijayarathna Industries, Challakere, Karnataka in the presence of Dr Sudha Mysore, CEO, Agrinnovate India and the entire Agrinnovate team. Innovators of the technology Dr N K S Gowda and Dr D T Pal, I/c ITMU Dr Atul Kolte, AO and AF & AO, NIANP were present on the occasion.


August, 2019

IAFS-III sponsored training programme concludes at ICAR- NIANP, Bengaluru

A short-term training programme on "Feed and Fertility Management in Livestock” was organized at ICAR- National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology Bengaluru from 9 to 18 August, 2019. It was sponsored by the India-Africa Forum Summit, IAFS-III by the Ministry of External Affairs , Government of India for the benefit of African nationals. Eight participants representing Kenya, Egypt, Sudan and Namibia participated in the training. The training had a mix of lectures and practical classes focused on (i) agronomic management of new varieties of forage crops and fodder trees (ii) alternate feed resources for livestock, conservation of fodder, hydroponics and azolla cultivation (iii) nutritional management, precision feeding and ration balancing (iv) Amelioration strategies for greenhouse gases (v) ration balancing tools (vi) management of stress to improve productivity of livestock, fertility assessment and management of bulls (vii) embryo transfer technology (viii) assisted reproductive technologies and sorting of the sexed sperms, besides filed trip to cattle feed plant, KMF, Bangalore. Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP was the Course Director and Drs. S. Anandan, S.B.N. Rao and S. Selvaraju were the course coordinators. The trainee participants from the African nations in their feedback appreciated the training curriculum and expressed their gratitude to the Government of India for nominating and sponsoring the entire training. Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta highlighted the importance of feed and fertility management of livestock for improving the efficiency of production and the need for capacity building in these areas through regular training. Dr. S. Abdul Rahman, current executive president of the Commonwealth Veterinary Association was the chief guest of the valedictory function. After releasing the compendium and distributing the certificates to the participant trainees, he highlighted the current challenges of the livestock sector in terms of the food security and safety, emerging diseases, climate change and antimicrobial resistance and the need for the department staff to be prepared to address these challenges.


July, 2019

ICAR-NIANP receives Swachhata Pakhwada Award-2018

ICAR- NIANP, Bangalore received the Swachhata Pakhwada Award-2018 (First) among all the ICAR institutes. The award was received by the Director, ICAR- NIANP, Bangalore Dr Raghavendra Bhatta from Hon. Secretary, DARE and DG, ICAR during the ICAR’s 91st Foundation Day celebrations held at the National Agricultural Science Centre Complex, Pusa, New Delhi on 16th July, 2019. The Institute was conferred with the award for its commendable efforts in keeping its premises clean along with planting of saplings. Cleaning and awareness activities were also undertaken at nearby villages under Swachhata Pakhwada program.


July, 2019

Applications are invited for the position of Senior Research Fellow (one number)

Applications are invited for the post of Senior Research Fellow (1 no.) under the time bound ICAR-AICRP project entitled “Micro and Secondary Nutrients and Pollutant Element in Soils and Plants”. This recruitment is subjected to terms and conditions in force in ICAR for such appointments. General ICAR guidelines for contractual employment will be applicable. The appointment is purely on temporary basis and there is no provision of absorption/ re-employment in NIANP/ICAR after termination of the project. The service of person who is engaged, will be automatically stand terminated with the termination of the project without assigning any reason thereof. Interested candidates for the said position may send their application to Principal Investigator, Dr. K Giridhar through email to girikanu@gmail.com on or before 12-07-2019. The short listed candidates will be intimated through E mail / phone for attending the interview on 24-07-2019 at 10.30 AM at ICAR-NIANP, Bangalore. The candidates will not be paid any TA/DA and will have to make their own arrangements for travel, stay etc. for attending the interview.

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June, 2019

Filling up the post of Personal Assistant (Un-reserved) on deputation/ on transfer / on permanent absorption basis at ICAR-NIANP, Bangalore-reg

It is proposed to fill up one vacant post of Personal Assistant on deputation followed by absorption / on transfer on permanent absorption basis among the following eligible candidates at this Directorate.

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June, 2019

Applications are invited for the position of Senior Research Fellow (one number)

Applications are invited for the position of Senior Research Fellow (one number) under the time bound ICAR-National Fellow project entitled “Development of buffalo bull fertility diagnostic chip based on sperm transcripts signatures”. This recruitment is subjected to terms and conditions in force in ICAR for such appointments. There is no provision of absorption/ re-employment in ICAR-NIANP/ICAR after termination of the project. The service of person, who engaged, will automatically stand terminated with the termination of the project. The appointment is purely on temporary basis and liable to be terminated at any time without assigning any reason thereof. Interested candidates for the said positions may mail their resumes to “Selvaraju.S@icar.gov.in” on or before 30-06-2019 for initial screening. Candidates short-listed will be intimated through mail / phone for attending the interview scheduled on 10-07-2019 at 10.00 AM at the Administrative Block of ICAR-NIANP, Adugodi, Bengaluru with duly signed application form in the prescribed format, two sets of attested copies of certificates and testimonials along with original certificates. The candidates will not be paid any TA/DA and will have to make their own arrangements for travel, stay etc. for attending the interview.

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June, 2019

Applications are invited for the position of Junior Research Fellow (one number)

Applications are invited for the position of Junior Research Fellow (one number) under the time bound DST-SERB project entitled “Establishment of the 3D in vitro culture conditions for maintaining long-term stemness in sheep spermatogonial stem cells”. This recruitment is subjected to terms and conditions in force in ICAR for such appointments. There is no provision of absorption/re-employment in ICAR-NIANP/ICAR after termination of the project. The service of person, who engaged, will automatically stand terminated with the termination of the project. The appointment is purely on temporary basis and liable to be terminated at any time without assigning any reason thereof. Interested candidates for the said positions may mail their resumes to “drbinsila@gmail.com” on or before 30-06-2019 for initial screening. Candidates short-listed will be intimated through mail / phone for attending the interview scheduled on 10-07-2019 at 11.00 AM at the Administrative Block of ICAR-NIANP, Adugodi, Bengaluru with duly signed application form in the prescribed format, two sets of attested copies of certificates and testimonials along with original certificates. The candidates will not be paid any TA/DA and will have to make their own arrangements for travel, stay etc. for attending the interview.

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June, 2019

ICAR-NIANP, Bangalore organizes training programme on 'Recent technologies in Animal Nutrition and Fertility Management'

A five-day training programme on “Recent technologies in Animal Nutrition and Fertility management”, was held at ICAR- National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru between 17th and 21st June, 2019. It was sponsored by National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad for the benefit of the District level veterinary officers working in the department of Animal Husbandry and Dairy cooperatives. 25 participants from various States attended the program. The training programme was inaugurated by Dr MT Manjunath, Director, AH&VS, Government of Karnataka. The training focused on (i) Agronomic management of new varieties of forage crops and fodder trees (ii) Alternate feed resources for livestock, conservation of fodder, hydroponics and azolla cultivation (iii) Nutritional management, precision feeding and ration balancing (iv) Amelioration strategies for greenhouse gases (v) Management of stress to improve productivity of livestock (vi) Shelter management for better productivity (Vii) fertility assessment and management of bulls (viii) Early embryonic mortality and prevention strategies ( ix) Recent advances in female reproduction Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, NIANP was the Course Director and Drs K Giridhar, NKS Gowda and C G David were the coordinators. In his address, Dr Raghavendra Bhatta highlighted the importance of feed and fertility management of livestock for improving their efficiency of production. While describing the various technologies developed by the Institute, he stressed on the crucial role of field Veterinarians for the effective transfer of technologies among the livestock farmers. He mentioned that by adoption of technologies famers would be able to double their income. Dr. K T Sampath, Former Director, ICAR- NIANP was the chief guest for the valedictory function. After distributing the participation certificates, he highlighted the need for field application and propagation of effective technologies among farmers to improve the productivity of livestock. The participants gave the feedback and received the certificates from Dr Sampath.


June, 2019

ICAR-NIANP, Bangalore celebrated the International day of Yoga

ICAR-NIANP, Bangalore celebrated the International day of Yoga on 21 June,2019. All the staff members and the supporting staff, including 25 trainees from various states of India taking part in MANAGE sponsored ongoing training program on “Recent technologies in animal nutrition and fertility management” also took part in the Yoga program. Dr Vinutha Rao, Yoga specialist from The Institute of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine (I-AIM), Bangalore, conducted the Yoga session. Common Yoga Protocol (CYP) videos were shown to the participants and the same was shared with the trainees through WhatsApp. Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP, spoke about the importance of yoga and the contents of the circular from Ministry of AYUSH about "Festival of Yoga and Well-being" and emphasized that Yoga should become an integral part of the lifestyle.


June, 2019

Walk in interview for position of Senior Research Fellow (1 no.)

Walk in interview for position of Senior Research Fellow (1 no.) under the ICAR sponsored project on “Estimation of methane emission under different feeding systems and development of mitigation strategies” is scheduled to be held on 12-06-2019 at 10.00 AM at the Administrative Block of ICAR-NIANP, Adugodi, Bangalore. The details of essential and desirable qualifications and other eligibility criteria are available on the institute website (www.nianp.res.in).

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May, 2019

ICAR-NIANP Bengaluru organizes Expert Consultation Meeting for SAARC countries

The ICAR- National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru organized the Expert Consultation Meeting on ‘Identification of best practices in livestock and fodder production and management’ for SAARC countries from 21-23 May, 2019 sponsored by the SAARC Agricultural Centre, Bangladesh. The meeting was attended by country representatives from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and India. Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, NIANP was nominated as the Indian Representative, by Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India. Chief Guest of the inaugural function on 21st May, 2019 Dr. J K Jena, Deputy Director General (Fisheries & Animal Sciences) appreciated the initiatives and called for more cooperation among the member countries in areas of mutual interest. He also advised that the number of participants may be increased during the next meeting to have better participation. Dr AK Samanta, Senior Programme Specialist, SAC Dhaka gave an overview about SAC activities. There were guest lectures from Dr Sridhar, GM, NDDB, Dr. Dinesh Bhosle, former Chairman, CLFMA, Dr Natarajan, Prof. and Head, AFAQAL, VCRI, Namakkal and Dr NKS Gowda, NIANP. The participants also visited the KMF feed unit, Rajanakunte, CPDOTI, Hessaraghatta and the central semen bank, Hessaraghatta. Dr. A Paturkar, Hon. Vice Chancellor, MAFSU, Nagpur was the Chief Guest during the closing ceremony. After visiting the different laboratories and interaction with the Scientists, he appreciated the excellent research work being carried out by the Scientists of NIANP. He felt the need for a memorandum of understanding between NIANP and MAFSO for student exchange and collaborative research programmes. After distributing the certificates to the participants Dr Paturkar spoke about the emerging threats including climate change, anti-microbial resistance. Dr Anandan, Principal Scientist and Dr Giridhar, principal Scientists, NIANP were the coordinators of the meeting.


May, 2019

Young Professional - I

Bachelors degree in any Branch of Microbiology/Bacteriology/Life Science

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April, 2019

Circular of NIANP and the circular of CGEWCC regarding holiday on account of Lok Sabha Election on 18-04-2019

Please find attached herewith the circular of NIANP and the circular of CGEWCC regarding holiday on account of Lok Sabha Election on 18-04-2019.

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April, 2019

Two Days Hindi Workshop

Two Days Hindi Workshop on Usage of Hindi in Office for All ICAR Institutes in Bengaluru, 11-12 April, 2019, Organized By ICAR-National Institute of National Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Adugodi, Bengaluru-560030


March, 2019


On behalf of the Secretary, ICAR, New Delhi, The Director NIANP, Bengaluru invites applications from the civil contractors (Class II, III & IV grade) Registered with the state PWD/CPWD for empanelment with this institute to undertake civil works to be awarded after due process.

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March, 2019

Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (01)

Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (01) under the time bound DBT project (BT/PR17667/AAQ/1/661/2016) “Selective Isolation of Sex Specific Spermatozoa in Bovines using Novel Biomarkers Identified through an Integrated Proteomic and Genomic Approach”. This recruitment is subjected to terms and conditions in force in DBT/ICAR for such appointments. There is no provision of absorption/re-employment in ICAR-NIANP/ICAR after termination of the project. The service of person, who engaged, will automatically stand terminated with the termination of the project. The appointment is purely on temporary basis and liable to be terminated at any time without assigning any reason thereof. Interested candidates for the said positions may mail their resumes to “arangasamyars@gmail.com”on or before 18th March, 2019 for initial screening. Candidates short listed for JRF interview should report on 22nd March, 2019 at 10.00 AM at the Administrative Block of ICAR-NIANP, Adugodi, Bangalore with duly signed application form in the prescribed format, two sets of attested copies of certificates and testimonials along with original certificates. The candidates will not be paid any TA/DA and will have to make their own arrangements for travel, stay etc. for attending the interview.

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March, 2019

Applications are invited for the position of two Senior Research Fellows under the MDR&EP

Applications are invited for the position of two Senior Research Fellows under the MDR&EP (Outreach programme on “Monitoring of Drug Residues and Environmental Pollutants”) and CRP (Consortia for Research Platform (CRP) – Biofortification) projects. This recruitment is subjected to terms and conditions in force in ICAR for such appointments. There is no provision of absorption / re-employment in ICAR-NIANP / ICAR after termination of the project. The service of person who is engaged, will be automatically stand terminated with the termination of the project without assigning any reason thereof. Interested candidates may mail their resumes (For MDR&EP: mdrepnianp@gmail.com; For CRP: crpnianp@gmail.com) on or before 11-03-2019 for initial screening. Candidates short-listed will be intimated through mail / phone for attending the interview scheduled to be held on 23-03-2019 at 11.00 AM at the Administrative block of ICAR-NIANP, Adugodi, Bengaluru with duly signed application form in the prescribed format, two sets of attested copies of certificates and testimonials along with original certificates. The candidates will not be paid any TA/DA and will have to make their own arrangements for travel, stay etc. for attending the interview.

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March, 2019

Applications are invited for the position of two Senior Research Fellows under the MDR&EP

Applications are invited for the position of two Senior Research Fellows under the MDR&EP (Outreach programme on “Monitoring of Drug Residues and Environmental Pollutants”) and CRP (Consortia for Research Platform (CRP) – Biofortification) projects. This recruitment is subjected to terms and conditions in force in ICAR for such appointments. There is no provision of absorption / re-employment in ICAR-NIANP / ICAR after termination of the project. The service of person who is engaged, will be automatically stand terminated with the termination of the project without assigning any reason thereof. Interested candidates may mail their resumes (For MDR&EP: mdrepnianp@gmail.com; For CRP: crpnianp@gmail.com) on or before 11-03-2019 for initial screening. Candidates short-listed will be intimated through mail / phone for attending the interview scheduled to be held on 23-03-2019 at 11.00 AM at the Administrative block of ICAR-NIANP, Adugodi, Bengaluru with duly signed application form in the prescribed format, two sets of attested copies of certificates and testimonials along with original certificates. The candidates will not be paid any TA/DA and will have to make their own arrangements for travel, stay etc. for attending the interview.

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March, 2019

Filling up the following Administrative Posts on deputation/on transfer on permanent absorption basis

It is proposed to fill up the following posts on deputation followed by absorption / on transfer on permanent absorption basis amongst the eligible candidates at ICAR-NIANP Bangalore.

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March, 2019

7th Pan Commonwealth Veterinary Conference (PCVC7) concludes at ICAR- NIANP, Bengaluru

The ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology (ICAR-NIANP) hosted the 7th Pan Commonwealth Veterinary Conference (PCVC7) from 03-07 March, 2019 on the theme “The Role of Veterinarians in Addressing the Global Challenges to the Lives of Our Pets, Livestock, Wildlife, Humans and Our Environment”. The conference was jointly organized by the Commonwealth Veterinary Association (CVA), ICAR-NIANP, Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University (KVAFSU), Karnataka Veterinary Association (KVA) and Pet Practitioners Association of Karnataka. Pan Commonwealth Veterinary Conferences are organized by CVA once in 4 years. Earlier conferences have been held in Harare, Zimbabwe (1991), Bangalore, India (1998), Wellington, New Zealand (2003), Barbados West Indies (2007), Accra, Ghana (2011) and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2015). The conference was inaugurated by the chief guest of the inaugural session Dr Mark Schipp, Chief Veterinary Officer Australia and President World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). He elaborated the objectives and activities of OIE for improving animal health worldwide. The other dignitaries of the inaugural session were Dr Peter Thornber, President CVA; Dr HD Narayanswamy, honourable Vice Chancellor of KVAFSU; Dr Suresh S Honnappagol, Animal Husbandry Commissioner, DADF, Govt. of India; Dr Abdul Rahman, India Executive Director and Former President CVA; Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP; and Prof. S Yathiraj, Regional Representative, Asian Region, CVA. Addressing the delegates Dr Peter Thornber mentioned that in this year, CVA is celebrating 52 years in extending its voluntary support and assistance to the veterinarians throughout the commonwealth at the grass-roots level. He also expressed his profound gratitude to the organizers for their vision and dedication in putting together for organizing this exciting mega scientific event. The conference was attended by more than 700 delegates including 50 overseas delegates from 38 different countries. The delegates consisted of the members and councillors of CVA, invited speakers from India and abroad and, academicians, students and policy makers from the different Indian institutions, organizations and associations. The main sessions of the conference included the areas of Companion Animal Medicine; Climate Change; Integrative Veterinary Medicine; Animal Behaviour, Welfare and Ethics; Livestock and Poultry Health and Production; Veterinary Education; Control of Rabies One Health Initiative, Antimicrobial Resistance; Woman and Sustainable Livestock Production; Epidemiology and Public Health; and Wildlife Medicine. Additionally, the conference also focussed on three companion animal workshops on veterinary dentistry, cardiology and orthopaedics with renowned resource persons such as Dr Phillip Moses from Australia, Dr Ruhnau Jens from Denmark, Prof Sydney Moise, USA and Prof James Flanders, USA. Two dedicated workshops were also organized on Animal Welfare Research and Working Equines. The PCVC7 provided an outstanding platform to the delegates for sharing, exchanging and gathering the current knowledge and future opportunities in the different fields of veterinary and allied sciences.


February, 2019

Hiring of vehicles on rate contract basis

ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology (NIANP), Bengaluru is a public funded research organization under Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India. For and on behalf of the Secretary, ICAR, the Director, National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bengaluru invites bids in online through e-tenders from reputed firms for hiring of vehicles on rate contract basis to this Institute as mentioned

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February, 2019

Auction Notice

Auction of Old Books on 06-02-2019 at 2.30PM

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February, 2019

Applications are invited for the post of Senior Research Fellow (EMF)

Applications are invited for the post of Senior Research Fellow under the time bound Extramural Research Project Fund (EMF) entitled “Efficacy of Kisspeptin and its analogues in the existing estrus synchronization protocols to augment fertility in small and large ruminants”. This recruitment is subjected to terms and conditions in force in ICAR for such appointments. There is no provision of absorption/re-employment in NIANP/ICAR after termination of the project. The service of person, who engaged, will automatically stand terminated with the termination of the project. The appointment is purely on temporary basis and liable to be terminated at any time without assigning any reason thereof. Interested candidates for the said position may mail their application to Principal Investigator, Dr. K S Roy through E-mail: ksroy123star@gmail.com on or before 5-02-2019. The short listed candidates will be communicated through E-mail to attend the interview scheduled to be held on 08-02-2019 (Friday) at 10.30 AM in the administrative Block of ICAR-NIANP, Adugodi, Bengaluru. Candidates short listed for interview should report before 10.30 AM on the interview date with duly signed application form in the prescribed format, two sets of attested copies of certificates and testimonials along with original certificates. The candidates will not be paid any TA/DA and will have to make their own arrangements for travel, stay etc. for attending the interview.

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February, 2019

Applications are invited for the post of Senior Research Fellow (CRISPR/CAS9) Jan-2019(interview on 28th Feb 2019)

Applications are invited for the position of Senior Research Fellow (1 no.) under the time bound National Fund project “CRISP/CAS9 guided functional analysis of genes regulating early embryonic survival in buffalo”. This recruitment is subjected to terms and conditions in force in ICAR for such appointments. General ICAR guidelines for contractual employment will be applicable. The appointment is purely on temporary basis and there is no provision of absorption/re-employment in NIANP/ICAR after termination of the project. The service of person who is engaged, will be automatically stand terminated with the termination of the project without assigning any reason thereof. Interested candidates may apply directly, STRICTLY IN THE PRESCRIBED FORMAT GIVEN BELOW along with their complete C.V., e-mail ID, fax numbers, telephone numbers along with the names of three referees through e-mail to the Principal Investigator of the project at sukanta781@gmail.com to Dr. S. Mondal, PI, ICAR-NIANP, Adugodi, Bangalore on or before 3rd February, 2019. Only Short-listed candidates will be called for interview and they should submit attested copies of all their certificates at the time of interview. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification. The short-listed candidates will be intimated through e-mail / phone for attending the interview on 28th February, 2019 at 10.30 AM at ICAR-NIANP, Bangalore. The candidates will not be paid any TA/DA and will have to make their own arrangements for travel, stay etc. for attending the interview. Candidates selected for SRF will be allowed to pursue Ph. D under Jain University, Bengaluru with prescribed terms and conditions.

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February, 2019

Walk-in-interview for Young Professional-II(Cancelled)

(Due to administrative reasons Post has been Cancelled) This is in continuation of Advt. No. I/NIANP/CDN/JAN/2019 dated 17/01/2019 uploaded in the website as well as in news papers regarding inviting applications for the position of Young Professional-II on contractual basis at ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru. Due to some administrative reason the advertisement floated has been treated as cancelled at present

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January, 2019

Walk-in-interview for Junior Research Fellow position

A walk in interview for the Junior Research Fellow position will be held on 21-01-2019 (Monday) at 10.00 AM in the Committee Room of ICAR-NIANP. Qualification: Master degree in Animal Nutrition, Animal Physiology, Animal Biochemistry / Masters Degree in Animal / Plant Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Life Sciences NET (JRF) / GATE is essential for the post. However, candidates possessing professional degree (B.V.Sc. / B.Sc (Ag)/B.Tech) are exempted from NET

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January, 2019

ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru organizes technical seminar for field extension officers

A technical seminar on “Role of nutrition in augmenting fertility and productivity in bovines” was organized at ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru in association with Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF) on 19.1.2019. About 150 field extension officers of different milk unions of Karnataka attended the seminar. Dr D.N. Hegde, Director, Animal Husbandry, KMF was the Chief Guest and Dr. Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP presided during the inaugural function. Dr. S. Satheesh Kumar, Professor and Head of the Division of Department of Gynaecology, TANUVAS, Chennai presented a talk on Fertility management in bovine through ethno-veterinary approach and Dr. S. Nelson Sam, Business Manager, Alltech India made a presentation on Role of nutrition in improving milk quality in dairy animals. Dr N.K.S. Gowda and Dr K. Giridhar, Principal Scientists of ICAR-NIANP presented talks on Nutrition of dairy calves and recent developments in fodder quality and management, respectively. A low cost hydroponic grain sprout unit was also demonstrated. The plenary session evinced very good response from the participants in terms of technical discussion on fodder, fertility, milk quality related matters and future course of action to transfer relevant technologies to farmers field.


January, 2019

Farmers' visit to ICAR-NIANP on 10 January,2019

20 Farmers from Erode district of Tamilnadu,accompanied by Dr Selvarju, Professor of TANUVAS visited NIANP on 10/1/2019 under the programme of ATMA-SSEPERS. Azolla production, silage making in plastic drums and grain sprouts production were demonstrated to the farmers. The salient features of various new high yielding varieties of forage crops, spineless cactus and fodder trees were explained to them. They evinced keen interest in low cost silage making and NIANP method of sprouts' production to meet the green fodder shortage during lean months. The roots slips of marvel grass were distributed to the farmers.


December, 2018

Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for Air conditioners

ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology invite sealed quotations from the authorized agency/supplier towards Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for Air conditioners installed (as per list attached) at the National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Hosur Road, Adugodi, Bangalore - 560030. Detail of AMC and other terms & conditions relating to the award of Contract are given in the Annexure-1.

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December, 2018

A list of General Holidays-2019

A list of General Holidays to be observed at National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bangalore during the calendar year 2019 is given below for information of all concerned

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December, 2018

DDG (Fy & AS) inaugurates Infrastructure facility at ICAR- NIANP, Bangalore

Dr Joykrushna Jena, Deputy Director General (Fy & AS) inaugurated the newly constructed feed Unit, poultry and sheep shed at ICAR- National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bangalore on 24th December, 2018. He also visited the Climate Chamber facility and the state of the art Small Animal House under construction. Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, NIANP explained about the new facilities and the proposed research activities to be taken up in the future. Dr Joykrushna Jena was also briefed about the methane amelioration work being carried out using SF6 technique in cattle and the grain- sprout production inside polyhouse. He also visited the proposed site for construction of Community Hall and Students hostel. While appreciating the excellent research work being carried out by the Scientists of NIANP, Dr Jena emphasised the need for effective utilization of these new facilities and publication of research papers in journals of high impact factor. The Directors and Heads of other Bangalore based ICAR institutes and Senior CPWD officials were present during the function.


December, 2018

ICAR-NIANP, Bangalore observed Swachhta Pakhwada on 17th December 2018

As per Govt. of India initiatives, ICAR-NIANP, Bangalore observed Swachhta Pakhwada activities on 17th December 2018. At the beginning of program, Swachhta pledge was administered by the Director, Dr Raghavendra Bhatta to alll the permanent and contractual staff of this institute. The Director also gave an overview of the activities to be undertaken under this program from 16-31 December. Swachhta banner was displayed at main gate of the institute. Ornamental saplings were planted by the staff members on the commencement of program.


December, 2018

Applications are invited for the post of Senior Research Fellow

Applications are invited for the post of Senior Research Fellow under the time bound AICRP project entitled “Nutritional and physiological interventions for enhancing reproductive performance in animals”.(Interview has been Re-Scheduled to 24-12-2018)

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December, 2018

Income Tax Deduction from Salary for the Financial Year 2018-19 – reg.

Under Section 192 of the Income Tax Act 1961, tax to be deducted at source on salary payments if the estimated income for the Financial Year 2018-19 exceeds Rs. 2,50,000/-. Therefore, such of the officers/staff whose estimated Income from “Salaries” is likely to exceed Rs. 2,50,000/- may furnish full details of estimated salary and estimated savings on or before 12th December 2018.

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December, 2018

ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru Organized Model Training Course (6-13 December’2018)

ICAR- NIANP, Bengaluru conducted a Model Training Course(MTC) on “Farmer Smart Technologies for Improvement of Productive & Reproductive Performance of Livestock under Climate Change Scenario”, sponsored by Directorate of Extension, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India, held from 6th to 13th December’2018 for the officials of State Development Department/ Animal Husbandry Officers/ Veterinary Officers/ Extension Officers of the country to sensitize and to make them aware about the latest information and technology on this important area. There were 14 officers from different state (Jammu & Kashmir, Sikkim, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka) in this training proramme. Dr S Abdul Rahman, Executive Director and Past President, Commonwealth Veterinary Association & Former Dean, College of Veterinary Sciences, Bangalore was Chief Guest for the inaugural function on 6th December. After releasing the compendium, in his address he remarked that the effect of climate change is going to be the major challenge to be faced by the veterinary professionals in coming days through emergence of new diseases, antimicrobial resistance, residues of antibiotics, pesticides and insecticide in meat, milk and their by-products, vegetables and crops. Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP expressed his concern on impact of climate change in livestock sector and stressed need for climate smart technological intervention. Dr K S Roy, Course Director briefed the content of this model training and schedule of organization. This course comprised of comprehensive topics on: Climate change- status and implications, Enteric methane emission and mitigation strategies, adverse effect on livestock production in the form of abiotic and biotic stresses, ameliorative measures with nutritional, physiological and managemental approaches, oestrus synchronization protocols and timed AI, manipulation of reproduction in animals for enhancing fertility, pregnancy markers, nutritional strategies for environmental protection, non-conventional feed resources, ration balancing, impact of stress on female and male reproduction, climate friendly feeding systems, fodders, silage and hydroponics cultivation, indigenous livestock and stress tolerance, human-wild life conflict due to climate change. Total of 20 in-house lectures, 9 guest lectures and 6 practical / demonstrations were arranged. Visit to institute fodder and livestock unit was arranged. A field visit to Bannerughatta Biological Park was also arranged for these participants. In the valedictory function on 13th December, Dr Y Hari Babu, Hon. Vice-Chancellor of Sri Venkateshwara Veterinary University, Tirupati was the Chief Guest. He presented certificates to the participants for their successful completion of this training and expressed the need of greater collaboration with well equipped laboratories and ICAR Institutes such as ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru for highly productive research output. He stressed the need for reaching out to the farmers through veterinary professionals taking area specific solutions with effective and innovative extension services to infuse momentum in the village economy. This training program elaborately addressed the contribution of livestock sector to the present climate change scenario and finding sustainable ways for reducing its unwanted effects through farmer smart technological intervention. Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP thanked Directorate of Extension for sponsoring this 8 days Model Training Course and complimented the participants as well as Course Director (Dr K S Roy) and Course Coordinators (Dr D T Pal & Dr J Ghosh) for successful conduct of this model training course.


December, 2018

Model Training course(6th to 13th December 2018) - Hurry up for early registrations!!!!!!

Farmer Smart Technologies for Improvement of Productive & Reproductive Performance of Livestock under Climate Change Scenario from 6th to 13th December 2018

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December, 2018

Award of Bid(Deep Freezer (-86° C))

e-tender No: 2018_DARE_363714_1 dated 23-Jul-2018, Online Quotation Reference No. BLR-0818-113006 dated 21-Aug-2018, With Reference to this please find the attached Contract Form.

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December, 2018

ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru celebrates Foundation Day

The “ICAR-National institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology” celebrated the “Foundation Day” on 1st December, 2018, on successful completion of 23 years since its inception. The function was attended by the existing and retired staff of the institute. The Hon. Secretary DARE, Govt. of India and DG ICAR, Dr Trilochan Mohapatra graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and Hon. DDG (Fisheries and Animal Sciences) ICAR, Dr Joykrushna Jena as the Guest of Honour. The Director of the Institute Dr Raghavendra Bhatta delivered the welcome speech and presented the progress of the institute during the past five years. He indicated the various International Collaborative projects with Germany, Japan and Hungary. During the occasion two technical bulletins on ‘silage preparation in drums’ and ‘Artificial insemination and factors affecting conception rate in cattle and buffaloes’ were released. Two products ‘Tamarin Plus’ – a tamarind seed husk enriched complete feed block for methane amelioration; and ‘Reprofat Plus’- a special supplement for simultaneous improvement of fertility and milk fat were released. The hon. DDG (Fisheries and Animal Sciences) congratulated the staff on the occasion and emphasised the need for development of more farmers’ friendly technologies and publishing research papers in the journals with high impact factor. The hon. Secretary DARE and DG, ICAR in his address indicated that “Found Day Celebration” is a proud moment for any organization and it should be celebrated with passion and enthusiasm to the fullest, by all the staff along with their families, children and students. He appreciated the development and progress of the Institute in the recent years. He complimented and congratulated the Institute for commercializing the various technologies and development of new products for methane amelioration and improving milk fat content. He appreciated the impact of NIANP technologies throughout the Karnataka state and even outside. He also emphasized that there are tremendous scope for basic and fundamental research in this institute, which should be utilized for addressing the problems of the animal production system in the country. He specified few areas which the institute should work on to get International Visibility. During the occasion, the representatives from the Karnataka Milk Federation, Nandi Agro Vet, Kamadhenu Feeds who have adopted and successfully commercialized various NIANP technologies were felicitated. Various institute awards were conferred to the employees of different categories, to recognize their contributions. The Scientists who have published research papers in very high impact Journals were also awarded.


November, 2018

ICAR-NIANP , Bengaluru Organized Winter School (1-21 November 2018)

ICAR sponsored Winter school on “Climate change led biotic and abiotic stress in farm animals and amelioration using nutritional and physiological approaches” was inaugurated on 1.11.2018. 21 participants covering 11 states were enrolled in this 21 day training programme. Dr Khub Singh, Founder Director of ICAR-NIANP was the Chief Guest and inaugurated the winter school. He released the technical compendium and remarked that climate change in Indian context is a serious challenge and warrants region and need based ameliorative measures to face the stress in farm animals induced by climate change. Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP opined that the impact of climate change is inevitable and need preparedness to deal with the negative consequences. Dr N K S Gowda, Course Director briefed the content of winter school and schedule of organization. The course comprised of comprehensive topics on: Climate change - status and implications, Adverse effect on livestock production in the form of abiotic and biotic stresses, Physiology and biochemical aspects of stress in farm animals, Enteric methane emission and amelioration, Molecular and adoptiveness to stress, Ameliorative measures with nutritional and managemental approaches, Indigenous livestock and stress tolerance, Shelter management and Human-wild life conflict due to climate change. Total of 40 in-house lectures, 8 guest lectures and 13 practical / demonstrations were arranged. Visit to Institute fodder and livestock unit was arranged. Study visit to Bannerughatta National park was also arranged. Five farmer friendly technology videos were shown. For the valedictory function, Dr H D Narayanaswamy, Honorable Vice-Chancellor of KVAFSU, Bidar was the Chief Guest. He presented certificates to the participants of winter school and expressed the need of greater collaboration with well equipped laboratories and ICAR Institutes for productive research output. Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP thanked ICAR for sponsoring this 21 day winter school. and complimented the participants as well as Course Director (Dr NKS Gowda) and Course Coordinators (Dr D Rajendran & Dr G Krishnan) for successful conduct of the winter school.


November, 2018

ICAR-NIANP under ATMA programme on 15th Nov 2018

20 Dairy farmers from Virudhunagar district of Tamilnadu along with two officials of Agriculture department visited ICAR-NIANP under ATMA programme on 15 November, 2018 for training cum field visit. Drs S Anandan and S Selvarjau delivered lectures on the general guidelines of feeding and fertility management, respectively. Later, the farmers visited the plots of different forage crops at the Institute. Demonstrations on silage making in plastic drums, pruning of fodder trees, Azolla cultivation and NIANP method of grain sprouts production were given. Root slips of marvel grass and Azolla culture were distributed to the farmers.

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October, 2018

ICAR Sponsored Winter School(1st to 21st November, 2018)

Climate Change Led Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Farm Animals and Amelioration with Nutritional and Physiological Approaches from 1-21 November, 2018. Outstation st participants are requested to arrive latest by night of 31 st October and plan to leave a􀄛er 18 hours on 21 November 2018.

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October, 2018

Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day), 2018 Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day), 2018

Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day), 2018 was observed in the institute on 31st October, 2018

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October, 2018

Vigilance Awareness Week 2018

The vigilance awareness week was observed at ICAR-NIANP on 29.10.2018 and took the pledge to “ERADICATE CORRUPTION – BUILD A NEW INDIA” as administered by the Director, Dr Raghavendra Bhatta on 29th October 2018 at 10.00 AM.

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October, 2018

Trainers' training program on "Fodder cultivation and dairy cattle feeding"

ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru organized a two-day Trainers' training program on "Fodder cultivation and dairy cattle feeding" to the field staff of ILRI working under 'Feed and fodder production in different agro-climatic zones and its utilization in Odisha'. It was held on 26 and 27 October, 2018 at NIANP. The trainees were given practical training on silage making in plastic drums, pruning of fodder trees, Azolla cultivation, urea treatment of crop residues and NIANP method of grain sprouts production. Lectures on basics of feeding dairy cattle, applied aspects of feed technology, least cost formulation for dairy animals and improved agro-techniques of forage cultivation were given. An interactive session was held to suggest the remedies for the common field problems in Odisha state. Dr K. Giridhar, Principal scientist, NIANP was the training coordinator for this programme

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October, 2018

Celebration of Women Farmers Day at ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru

Women Farmers day was celebrated at ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru on 15th October 2018. Essay competition was conducted for women staff of the Institute and distributed prizes. Women Farmers from Ragi Halli village under the farmer First project were invited and felicitated. Dr (Mrs) Manpal Sridhar, Principal Scientist and Head of BES Division briefed the contribution of women in agriculture and stressed the need to empower them. Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director presided over the function and highlighted the importance to women in family agriculture and her contribution to enhance the farm income.

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October, 2018

E Tender Notification

E Tender Notification. For details please check under Tenders

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October, 2018

Advertisement of SRF of NASF project under Dr. Rajendran

Biochemistry, Cell biology, Biotechnology/ Animal Biotechnology and Molecular biology

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September, 2018

Auction Notice

Interested bidders may participate in large number and bid for the Goats (29 No's) on 27-09-2018 at 11.30 AM....

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September, 2018

Applications invited for One Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under the time bound National Fund project

Please check under Careers link


September, 2018

Auction of Sheep on 1st September, 2018

Auction of 19 sheep on 01-09-2018

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August, 2018

Young Professional Walk in interview on 31st August, 2018

Check the careers link


August, 2018

Results of Technical Assistant (T-3) (Cat. II) Lab Tech and Computer Operator

Please check the results in Careers link


August, 2018

NIANP Technology of small ruminant mineral mixture reaches North India

ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bangalore has developed mineral mixtures for sheep and goat and the same has been granted India Patent No 294494 filed on 01-02-2012. The technology was commercialised to M/s. Kamdhenu Feeds, Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh on non-exclusive basis through Agrinnovate India, New Delhi. The memorandum of agreement for licensing to manufacture and sell the formulation was signed between Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, ICAR-NIANP and Dr S P Sharma, Managing Partner, Kamdhenu Feeds in the presence of Shri Ravinderjit Singh, CEO, Agrinnovate India on 6th August 2018 at ICAR-NIANP, Bangalore. By this, majority of small ruminants reared in the north-western states of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana and Uttaranchal are likey to get benefited. These mineral mixtures are formulated based on the specific mineral requirements of sheep and goat to meet 100% requirement of most deficient trace minerals and partially meet the requirement of other minerals, with a consideration that remaining is to be met through feed and fodder offered to animals. The interaction of minerals like the synergistic action of calcium, phosphorus and antagonistic action of copper and sulfur were also considered while formulating mineral mixture. The products are very useful in improving the productive efficiency and general health in small ruminants. The technology is cost-effective, sustainable, adoptable and environment-friendly. During this occasion, the innovators of this technology - Dr N K S Gowda & Dr D T Pal, Dr K S Prasad, Head, Animal Nutrition Department, Dr A P Kolte, Incharge, ITMU, Smt S Shashikala, AO and Smt P P Sheeja, AFAO were present.

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July, 2018

Short Course on Technology Smart Interventions for Doubling Livestock Farmers’ Income

ICAR-NIANP, Bengaluru organized 10-days ICAR Sponsored Short Course on “Technology smart interventions for doubling livestock farmers’ income: Strategies and Approaches” from 30 Jul 2018 to 08 Aug 2018. The short course was inaugurated on 30 Jul 2018 by Dr Mruthyunjaya, former National Director NAIP. In his address, Dr Mruthyuanjaya stressed upon the importance of scientific interventions to increase the farmer’s income. Dr Raghavendra Bhatta, Director, NIANP, Bangalore briefed about the various technologies developed and commercialized by the Institute and also the activities under the MGMG and Farmers First programme. Eighteen participants from various states of the country participated in the short course. The training programme included 37 lectures on various subjects such as livestock sector in India, ration balancing tools, mineral nutrition, alternative feed resources, poultry farming, sheep and goat rearing production etc. In addition, few practical classes and demonstrations on fodder production and conservation, feed quality and semen analysis were also arranged during the training programme. One special, brain storming session was held on “doubling the farmers’ income”. During the valedictory function on 8th August, Chief Guest Dr Sreenath Dixit, Head and theme leader, ICRISAT Development Center, Hyderabad gave away the training completion certificate to the trainees. Dr Sreenath Dixit, emphasized the contribution and significance of various small technologies in enhancing the farmer’s income. Dr Swaraj Senani, Pr. Scientist was the course Director and Dr Anjumoni Mech and Dr Letha Devi were the course coordinators.

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October, 1999

Essay Writing by students on Corruption in the event of Vigilance Awareness

Essay competition was conducted by Dr. S. Mondal to create awareness among students on corruption and work ethics. The essay topic was 'Corruption Free India'.


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