ICAR-NIANP - Centre for Climate Resilient Animal Adaptation Studies

ICAR-NIANP has developed the new Centre for Climate Resilient Animal Adaptation Studies. The facility is the first of its kind in Asia. The centre has two climate chambers (i) Thermo-neutral Zone Chambers and (ii) Heating/cooling chambers. The chambers are primarily for small ruminants and extendable for pig and poultry. Each chamber has the holding capacity of twelve animals each with individual, feeding, watering, urine, and feces collection facilities. The centre was inaugurated by Hon'ble Dr Trilochan Mohapatra, the Secretary, DARE Govt. of India and the Director General ICAR on 5th Feb 2020. The Hon'ble DDG (AS) and DDG (Fys.) and delegates from the University of Melbourne were also present.

Unique Features of ICAR-NIANP Climate Chamber Facility

  1. Budget: Building Cost: 120 Lakhs; Equipments Cost: 80 Lakhs and Annual Maintenance Cost approximately: 3 Lakhs
  2. Twenty-four microclimate-controlled chambers
    • Control (Thermo-neutral zone) chambers 12
    • Experimental (Heating/Cooling) chambers 12
    • Thermo-neutral zone chamber- has four temperature (22-28ºC) regulating sensors and one relative humidity (55-60%) regulating sensor
    • Heating/ cooling chamber- has six temperature (5-50ºC) regulating sensors and one relative humidity (45-95%) regulating sensor
    • The climate chamber building has one temperature (actual) sensor and one relative humidity regulating sensor
    • One temperature regulating sensor and one relative humidity (actual) sensor outside the climate chamber building
  3. Weather variables that could be altered
    • Temperature, Relative humidity, and light intensity
  4. Provision to induce accurate thermo-neutral zone for small ruminants
  5. Provision of conducting both heat stress and cold stress studies
  6. Provision to simulate any weather condition across the world
  7. No socialization stress as it is possible for the animals to see and communicate with each other
  8. No restraining stress as the animals can be maintained in individual cabins ensuring free movements
  9. Data logger to record weather variables of microenvironment within the climate chambers as well as both within and outside the climate chamber building
  10. Provision to conduct experiments throughout the year
  11. Individual feeding facility
  12. Individual watering facility
  13. Individual urine collection facility
  14. Individual fecal collection facility

The Climate Chamber facility at ICAR-NIANP

Experimental Animals Inside the Climate Chamber

During the inauguration of the facility along Hon’ble Secretary DARE and DG, ICAR Dr Trilochan Mohapatra and DDG (AS), Dr BN Tripathi and DDG(Fy.) Dr J K Jena

During the visit of Hon’ble Secretary DARE and DG, ICAR Dr Trilochan Mohapatra

During the visit of RAC members

During the visit of RAC members